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Negotiating Style Assessment Tool

For each issue below, please select if you "Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Strongly Agree", or "Agree"

Survey Item Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Survey Item: I am not comfortable negotiating Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I push the other party toward my own positions/interests Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I avoid hurting people Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I try to learn the real needs of the other party before making a concession Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I enjoy making offers and counteroffers Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I don’t like making difficult decisions Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: Before negotiating, I know what results to expect and how to work to obtain them Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: When negotiating, I like to make quick decisions to speed up the discussions Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I am willing to lower my expectations to save the relationship Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I encourage the other party to work with me in finding an acceptable solution Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I avoid getting involved in difficult situations Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I make sure I have power over the other party, and I use it to my advantage Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: To advance the negotiations, I like to split the difference Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: When negotiating, I make sure the other party feels comfortable Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I have no problem sharing information with the other party Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I don’t negotiate when I have little chance of winning Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: If necessary, I use threats to reach my goals Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I like to compromise to expedite the negotiations Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I make sure the other party explains his or her real needs Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I like to explore innovative approaches with the other party to achieve maximum outcomes Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I avoid taking risks Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: To get what I want, I ask for more than I am willing to settle for Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I look for a fair deal Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: To me, personal relationships are vital to constructive discussions Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I frequently summarize issues we both agreed to Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I dislike dealing with difficult negotiators Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I try to create doubts in the mind of the other party Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: To me, negotiating is a game of give and take Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I do not like to embarrass other people Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: When I negotiate, I take a long-term outlook Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I avoid getting involved in controversies Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I do not give away information, but I try to obtain as much information as possible from the other party Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I look for a middle-of-the-road solution to close negotiations Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I avoid getting involved in nonessential details Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:
Survey Item: I enjoy meeting people Strongly Disagree: Disagree: Agree: Strongly Agree:

Script developed by: Dr. Ralph Jagodka © 2019
Based on Source: Global Business Negotiations, Cellich, Jain, pp.47-51

Please first complete the Negotiating Assessment - then you will see your results