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Protective Service Careers and Jobs

Select, Find and Prepare for 334 Protective Service Jobs Matched Across 26 Careers - all on one page

4 Steps to Use This Page: 1-Explore Careers of Intrerest 2-See Job Listings Matched to Career 3-Prepare for the Career 4-See External Career Resources

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This page will take you through 4 steps to (1) Select from Protective Service careers/jobs, (2) Find Protective Service job listings, (3) Prepare for matching Protective Service careers, and (4) Provide Protective Service career-specific resources.

Step 1: Select a Career/Job: This page starts with 4 ways for you to identify and select from listings of Protective Service careers/jobs:
A) Fastest Growing Protective Service Careers - 2023 to 2033 (est.)
These listings are based on job growth estimates and helps you to identify the fastest growing and evolving Protective Service careers. Some careers may not initially seem related to Protective Service, so relevant Protective Service jobs are listed alongside each listing. This can also help us to identify which careers (bottom of the listing) may have negative growth - perhaps due to automation or planned obsolescence.
B) Median Annual Salary U.S. Protective Service Careers
These listings are sorted (descending) by median annual salary in the U.S. This may help us to identify our ideal career. We may not qualify at this time for the desired career, but this listing and the results provided can help us to explore job details, as well as learn how to appropriately prepare for the career.
C) Protective Service Career Ladders (Educational Requirements)
These listings will help us to identify Protective Service careers sorted by educational requirements (with the most difficult to obtain listed first). This may help us to identify career ladders (as we scroll down the list), and help us to get jobs that we qualify for now.
D) Select From a Listing of 843 Protective Service Job Titles.
The list may be quite long. There are two ways you might like to use this list:
1) Filter - As you enter a word, you will filter (limit) the list of job titles
2) Browse the list (Don't Filter) - You can simply explore the list of job titles. There may be many that you might never have considered to be of interest.
Once you have identified a job title of interest, simply click on it.

Step 2: Find a Job: After you have selected a career/job title above, you will see current job listings. You can change the location, distance from location and recency as desired. Each of the listings will link to a current job opening.

Step 3: Prepare For a Career: In this section you will gain access to detailed information to help you prepare for the chosen career. Information may include (not every career choice includes all of the elements below - updates occur quarterly):
Core and Supplemental Duties: Lists the worker-related tasks performed
General and Specific Work Activities: Summarizes the broad and more specific types of behaviors related to the career
Knowledge Required: Provides the requirements regarding the acquisition of facts and principles
Skills Required: Provides basic skills and cross-functional skills needed
Preparation Required: Provides a summary of the required experience and education
Educational Requirements: Detailed breakdown of the education required
Work Experience Required: Detailed breakdown of the prior work experience required
Local Salary Information: Provides national and local salary ranges
Certifications: Provides appropriate government and private-sector certifications and/or credentials that may be required
Professional Associations: Provides professional associations that are related to the career selected
Job Listings: Provides links to active current job listings for the selected career, along with multiple similar job titles to explore. All details appear on this page
Related Careers to Consider: Lists up to 20 careers that might be of interest to you (related to your initial choice - what they do, what they know, and what they're called), ranked by best fit.

** If you clicked on a link from section D (as described in Step 1 above), you will see one or more links to an occupation that is usually a bit more general than your initial job selection - the link(s) is directly related to the specific job you identified through your prior selections.
*NOTE: It is possible that there may not be a career path identified for the specific job you selected in Step 1. If this is the case, scroll up the page and click on a different career/job.

Step 4: Career-Specific Resources (detailed and constantly updated): Continue to scroll down the page and you will find tabs that provide detailed (updated) links specific to the career you selected. This information includes:
Videos: Provides a listing of video links related to this career. A great way to get a quick overview of the occupation.
Resumes: Sources for resume materials and techniques. This can help to get you started.
Job Description: Sources that provide job descriptions, which are vital to resume and interview preparation.
Interviews: Provides links that can help you to prepare for and successfully complete the job interview. Can also assist with coffee chats.
Step by Step: Provides links to resources that can help to organize the career search process.
LinkedIn: One of the best professional social media sites that provides links, opportunities, and networking specifically for careers and career development.

Step 1 of 4: Select a Career/Job

Leading Books about Protective Service Careers

20 Protective Service careers are listed below (sorted by Percentage Change in Total Job Openings - 2023 to 2033 est.). Protective Service-related jobs specific to each career are also provided. This shows which careers are emerging and growing the fastest. Please Scroll and Select below:

Occupations U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033 (% change) Protective Service-Related Jobs

Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers 24.5% Aquatics Lifeguard; Aquatics Specialist; Beach Attendant; Beach Lifeguard; Bus Monitor; Certified Lifeguard; Certified Ski Patroller; Gamewell Operator; Life Guard; Lifeguard; Marine Safety Officer; Ocean Lifeguard; Ocean Lifeguard Specialist; OEC Tech (Outdoor Emergency Care Technician); Park Ranger; Playground Monitor; Pool Attendant; Pool Lifeguard; Ranger; Recreation Aide; Rescue Worker; Ski Patrol Paramedic; Ski Patroller; Surveillance System Monitor
Occupation: Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 24.5% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Aquatics Lifeguard; Aquatics Specialist; Beach Attendant; Beach Lifeguard; Bus Monitor; Certified Lifeguard; Certified Ski Patroller; Gamewell Operator; Life Guard; Lifeguard; Marine Safety Officer; Ocean Lifeguard; Ocean Lifeguard Specialist; OEC Tech (Outdoor Emergency Care Technician); Park Ranger; Playground Monitor; Pool Attendant; Pool Lifeguard; Ranger; Recreation Aide; Rescue Worker; Ski Patrol Paramedic; Ski Patroller; Surveillance System Monitor
Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists 23.9% District Ranger; Environmental Protection Fire Control Officer; Fire Management Officer; Fire Management Technician; Fire Observer; Fire Operations Forester; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Technician; Fire Range Technician; Fire Ranger; Fire Technician; Fire Tower Keeper; Fire Warden; Fire Watcher; Forest Fire Control Officer; Forest Fire Officer; Forest Officer; Forest Patrolman; Forestry Patrolman; Look Out Tower Fire Watcher; Range Examiner; Tower Watchman; Towerman; Wildfire Mitigation Specialist; Wildfire Prevention Specialist; Wildland Fire Operations Specialist
Occupation: Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 23.9% Protective Service-Related Jobs: District Ranger; Environmental Protection Fire Control Officer; Fire Management Officer; Fire Management Technician; Fire Observer; Fire Operations Forester; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Technician; Fire Range Technician; Fire Ranger; Fire Technician; Fire Tower Keeper; Fire Warden; Fire Watcher; Forest Fire Control Officer; Forest Fire Officer; Forest Officer; Forest Patrolman; Forestry Patrolman; Look Out Tower Fire Watcher; Range Examiner; Tower Watchman; Towerman; Wildfire Mitigation Specialist; Wildfire Prevention Specialist; Wildland Fire Operations Specialist
Gambling Surveillance Officers and Gambling Investigators 15.5% Casino Enforcement Agent; Casino Investigator; Casino Surveillance Officer; Dual Rate Surveillance Officer; Entertainment And Recreation Industry Surveillance Operator; Gambling Monitor; Gambling Surveillance Observer; Gambling Surveillance Officer; Gaming Inspector; Gaming Investigator; Gaming Surveillance Observer; Gaming Surveillance Officer; Investigative Specialist; Security Officer; Special Investigator; Surveillance Agent; Surveillance Inspector; Surveillance Investigator; Surveillance Monitor; Surveillance Observer; Surveillance Officer; Surveillance Operator; Surveillance System Monitor; Surveillance Technician; Video Surveillance Agent; Video Surveillance Technician
Occupation: Gambling Surveillance Officers and Gambling Investigators U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 15.5% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Casino Enforcement Agent; Casino Investigator; Casino Surveillance Officer; Dual Rate Surveillance Officer; Entertainment And Recreation Industry Surveillance Operator; Gambling Monitor; Gambling Surveillance Observer; Gambling Surveillance Officer; Gaming Inspector; Gaming Investigator; Gaming Surveillance Observer; Gaming Surveillance Officer; Investigative Specialist; Security Officer; Special Investigator; Surveillance Agent; Surveillance Inspector; Surveillance Investigator; Surveillance Monitor; Surveillance Observer; Surveillance Officer; Surveillance Operator; Surveillance System Monitor; Surveillance Technician; Video Surveillance Agent; Video Surveillance Technician
Security Guards 14.6% Alarm Investigator; Armed Guard; Armed Security Guard; Armed Security Officer; Armored Car Driver; Armored Car Guard; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Bank Guard; Bodyguard; Bouncer; Camp Guard; Campus Security Officer (CSO); Closed Circuit Screen Watcher; Custom Protection Officer (CPO); Customer Security Clerk; Customer Service Security Officer; Door Tender; Doorshaker; Driver Guard; Elevated Guard; Flex Officer; Floorperson; Floorwalker; Gate Attendant; Gate Guard; Gate Keeper; Gate Operator; Gate Person; Gate Tender; Gate Watchman; Gateman; Government Guard; Hall Tender; Hotel Security Officer; Loss Prevention Officer; Loss Prevention Representative (Loss Prevention Rep); Maritime Guard; Merchant Patroller; Merchant Police; Package Checker; Patrol Guard; Patrol Officer; Patrolman; Plant Guard; Plant Protection Guard; Plant Protection Officer; Plant Security Guard; Police Guard; Private Security Guard; Private Watchman; Protective Officer; Retail Security Officer; Safety and Security Officer; Security Agent; Security Assistant; Security Checker; Security Guard; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Patrol Officer; Security Police; Security Screener; Ship Keeper; Special Officer; Special Police; Station Gateman; Surveillance Officer; Truck Guard; Unarmed Security Guard; Unarmed Security Officer; Watchguard; Watchman
Occupation: Security Guards U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 14.6% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Alarm Investigator; Armed Guard; Armed Security Guard; Armed Security Officer; Armored Car Driver; Armored Car Guard; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Bank Guard; Bodyguard; Bouncer; Camp Guard; Campus Security Officer (CSO); Closed Circuit Screen Watcher; Custom Protection Officer (CPO); Customer Security Clerk; Customer Service Security Officer; Door Tender; Doorshaker; Driver Guard; Elevated Guard; Flex Officer; Floorperson; Floorwalker; Gate Attendant; Gate Guard; Gate Keeper; Gate Operator; Gate Person; Gate Tender; Gate Watchman; Gateman; Government Guard; Hall Tender; Hotel Security Officer; Loss Prevention Officer; Loss Prevention Representative (Loss Prevention Rep); Maritime Guard; Merchant Patroller; Merchant Police; Package Checker; Patrol Guard; Patrol Officer; Patrolman; Plant Guard; Plant Protection Guard; Plant Protection Officer; Plant Security Guard; Police Guard; Private Security Guard; Private Watchman; Protective Officer; Retail Security Officer; Safety and Security Officer; Security Agent; Security Assistant; Security Checker; Security Guard; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Patrol Officer; Security Police; Security Screener; Ship Keeper; Special Officer; Special Police; Station Gateman; Surveillance Officer; Truck Guard; Unarmed Security Guard; Unarmed Security Officer; Watchguard; Watchman
Crossing Guards and Flaggers 13.4% Adult Crossing Guard; Community Service Officer; Construction Site Crossing Guard; Crossing Flagman; Crossing Gateman; Crossing Guard; Crossing Tender; Crossing Watchman; Draw Tender; Flagger; Flagman; Freight Flagman; Gate Operator; Guard; Passenger Flagman; Patrol Lady; Patrol Mother; Rail Signal Worker; Road Crossing Guard; School Aide; School Crossing Guard; School Traffic Guard; Substitute Crossing Guard; Subway Guard; Traffic Attendant; Train Gate Attendant; Train Gateman
Occupation: Crossing Guards and Flaggers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 13.4% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Adult Crossing Guard; Community Service Officer; Construction Site Crossing Guard; Crossing Flagman; Crossing Gateman; Crossing Guard; Crossing Tender; Crossing Watchman; Draw Tender; Flagger; Flagman; Freight Flagman; Gate Operator; Guard; Passenger Flagman; Patrol Lady; Patrol Mother; Rail Signal Worker; Road Crossing Guard; School Aide; School Crossing Guard; School Traffic Guard; Substitute Crossing Guard; Subway Guard; Traffic Attendant; Train Gate Attendant; Train Gateman
Private Detectives and Investigators 13.2% Alarm Investigator; AML Investigator (Anti Money Laundering Investigator); Asset Protection Detective; Background Investigator; Bonding Agent; BSA Investigator (Bank Secrecy Act Investigator); Case Investigator; Cash Shortage Investigator; Certified Legal Investigator; Contract Investigator; Detective; Detective Investigator; District Agent; Employee Relations Investigator; Field Investigator; Fraud Investigator; House Detective; House Officer; Intelligence Agent; Investigations Assistant; Investigator; Licensed Private Investigator; Loss Prevention Agent; Loss Prevention Analyst; Loss Prevention Associate; Loss Prevention Detective; Loss Prevention Investigator; Loss Prevention Officer; Principal Investigator; Private Detective; Private Eye; Private Investigator; Protection Specialist; Security Analyst; Security Consultant; Shopping Investigator; Skip Locator; Skip Tracer; Special Investigator; Store Detective; Surveillance Investigator; Undercover Agent; Undercover Operator
Occupation: Private Detectives and Investigators U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 13.2% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Alarm Investigator; AML Investigator (Anti Money Laundering Investigator); Asset Protection Detective; Background Investigator; Bonding Agent; BSA Investigator (Bank Secrecy Act Investigator); Case Investigator; Cash Shortage Investigator; Certified Legal Investigator; Contract Investigator; Detective; Detective Investigator; District Agent; Employee Relations Investigator; Field Investigator; Fraud Investigator; House Detective; House Officer; Intelligence Agent; Investigations Assistant; Investigator; Licensed Private Investigator; Loss Prevention Agent; Loss Prevention Analyst; Loss Prevention Associate; Loss Prevention Detective; Loss Prevention Investigator; Loss Prevention Officer; Principal Investigator; Private Detective; Private Eye; Private Investigator; Protection Specialist; Security Analyst; Security Consultant; Shopping Investigator; Skip Locator; Skip Tracer; Special Investigator; Store Detective; Surveillance Investigator; Undercover Agent; Undercover Operator
Animal Control Workers 10.5% Animal Attendant; Animal Control Officer; Animal Control Specialist; Animal Cop; Animal Cruelty Investigator; Animal Enforcement Officer; Animal Officer; Animal Ordinance Enforcement Officer; Animal Park Code Enforcement Officer; Animal Rescuer; Animal Safety Officer; Animal Services Officer; Animal Treatment Investigator; Code Enforcement Inspector; Code Enforcement Officer; Code Enforcement Specialist; Community Safety Officer; Community Service Officer; Control Officer; Dog Catcher; Dog Control Officer; Dog Pound Attendant; Dog Warden; Humane Agent; Humane Officer
Occupation: Animal Control Workers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 10.5% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Animal Attendant; Animal Control Officer; Animal Control Specialist; Animal Cop; Animal Cruelty Investigator; Animal Enforcement Officer; Animal Officer; Animal Ordinance Enforcement Officer; Animal Park Code Enforcement Officer; Animal Rescuer; Animal Safety Officer; Animal Services Officer; Animal Treatment Investigator; Code Enforcement Inspector; Code Enforcement Officer; Code Enforcement Specialist; Community Safety Officer; Community Service Officer; Control Officer; Dog Catcher; Dog Control Officer; Dog Pound Attendant; Dog Warden; Humane Agent; Humane Officer
Fire Inspectors and Investigators 8.9% Alarm Inspector; Alarm Sprinkler Inspector; Arson and Bomb Investigator; Arson Investigator; Bomb Investigator; Building Inspector; Canine Handler (K9 Handler); Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI); Certified Fire Investigator (CFI); Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI); Code Official; Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Alarm Inspector; Fire and Explosion Investigator; Fire Code Inspector; Fire Equipment Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Technician (Fire Extinguisher Tech); Fire Hazard Inspector; Fire Inspector; Fire Investigator; Fire Marshall; Fire Official; Fire Prevention Inspector; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Specialist; Fire Protection Fabricator; Fire Protection Inspector; Fire Protection Specialist; Fire Safety Inspector; Fire Safety Specialist; Fire Sprinkler Apparatus Inspector; Fire Sprinkler Foreman; Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Systems Inspector; Inspector; Smoke Inspector; Sprinkler Inspector
Occupation: Fire Inspectors and Investigators U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 8.9% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Alarm Inspector; Alarm Sprinkler Inspector; Arson and Bomb Investigator; Arson Investigator; Bomb Investigator; Building Inspector; Canine Handler (K9 Handler); Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI); Certified Fire Investigator (CFI); Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI); Code Official; Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Alarm Inspector; Fire and Explosion Investigator; Fire Code Inspector; Fire Equipment Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Technician (Fire Extinguisher Tech); Fire Hazard Inspector; Fire Inspector; Fire Investigator; Fire Marshall; Fire Official; Fire Prevention Inspector; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Specialist; Fire Protection Fabricator; Fire Protection Inspector; Fire Protection Specialist; Fire Safety Inspector; Fire Safety Specialist; Fire Sprinkler Apparatus Inspector; Fire Sprinkler Foreman; Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Systems Inspector; Inspector; Smoke Inspector; Sprinkler Inspector
Transit and Railroad Police 8.6% Canine Officer (K-9 Officer); Field Training Advisor; Field Training Agent; Law Enforcement Officer; Officer; Patrol Man; Patrol Officer; Patroller; Patrolman; Police Captain; Police Specialist; Public Transit Specialist; Railroad Detective; Railroad Police; Railroad Police Officer; Railroad Safety Specialist; Railroad Watchman; Secured Entrance Monitor; Track Patrol; Track Watchman; Transit Authority Police; Transit Authority Police Officer; Transit Officer; Transit Police Officer; Transit Specialist; Transportation Officer; Transportation Sergeant; Unarmed Officer
Occupation: Transit and Railroad Police U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 8.6% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Canine Officer (K-9 Officer); Field Training Advisor; Field Training Agent; Law Enforcement Officer; Officer; Patrol Man; Patrol Officer; Patroller; Patrolman; Police Captain; Police Specialist; Public Transit Specialist; Railroad Detective; Railroad Police; Railroad Police Officer; Railroad Safety Specialist; Railroad Watchman; Secured Entrance Monitor; Track Patrol; Track Watchman; Transit Authority Police; Transit Authority Police Officer; Transit Officer; Transit Police Officer; Transit Specialist; Transportation Officer; Transportation Sergeant; Unarmed Officer
Firefighters 8.5% Airport Firefighter; Apparatus Operator; Crash Fire Firefighter; Fire Alarm Operator; Fire Apparatus Engineer; Fire Engine Pump Operator; Fire Engineer; Fire Equipment Operator; Fire Fighter; Fire Hydrant Operator; Fire Management Specialist; Fire Medic; Fire Suppression Technician; Fire Technician (Fire Tech); Fireboat Operator; Firefighter; Firefighter Diver; Firefighter Paramedic; Fireman; Forest Fire Suppression Specialist; Forest Firefighter; Forestry Fire Technician (Forestry Fire Tech); Hot Shot; Ladder Operator; Ladderman; Marine Firefighter; Municipal Firefighter; Oil Fire Specialist; On-Scene Supporter; Plugman; Rescue Worker; Smoke Chaser; Smoke Eater; Smoke Jumper; Tail Board Man; Tail Board Worker; Tiller Man; Tiller Worker; Volunteer Firefighter; Water and Fire Technician (Water and Fire Tech); Wildland Firefighter; Wildland Firefighter Specialist; Wildland Specialist Firefighter
Occupation: Firefighters U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 8.5% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Airport Firefighter; Apparatus Operator; Crash Fire Firefighter; Fire Alarm Operator; Fire Apparatus Engineer; Fire Engine Pump Operator; Fire Engineer; Fire Equipment Operator; Fire Fighter; Fire Hydrant Operator; Fire Management Specialist; Fire Medic; Fire Suppression Technician; Fire Technician (Fire Tech); Fireboat Operator; Firefighter; Firefighter Diver; Firefighter Paramedic; Fireman; Forest Fire Suppression Specialist; Forest Firefighter; Forestry Fire Technician (Forestry Fire Tech); Hot Shot; Ladder Operator; Ladderman; Marine Firefighter; Municipal Firefighter; Oil Fire Specialist; On-Scene Supporter; Plugman; Rescue Worker; Smoke Chaser; Smoke Eater; Smoke Jumper; Tail Board Man; Tail Board Worker; Tiller Man; Tiller Worker; Volunteer Firefighter; Water and Fire Technician (Water and Fire Tech); Wildland Firefighter; Wildland Firefighter Specialist; Wildland Specialist Firefighter
First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers 8.2% Battalion Chief; Captain; Chief; Crew Boss; Crew Chief; Damage Prevention Coordinator; Deputy Fire Marshal; District Fire Management Officer; Engine Boss; Engine Captain; Fire Battalion Chief; Fire Captain; Fire Chief; Fire Coordinator; Fire Department Battalion Chief; Fire Department Captain; Fire Lieutenant; Fire Marshal; Fire Prevention Bureau Captain; Fire Prevention Captain; Fire Prevention Chief; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Supervisor; Fire Suppression Captain; Forest Fire Management Officer; Forest Fire Specialist Supervisor; Hotshot Superintendent; Incident Commander; Lieutenant; Lieutenant Firefighter; Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisor; Operations Chief; Prevention Coordinator; Section Forest Fire Warden; Shift Commander; Single Resource Boss; Smoke Jumper Supervisor; Squad Boss; State Fire Marshal; Supervising Fire Marshal; Supervisory Forester
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 8.2% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Battalion Chief; Captain; Chief; Crew Boss; Crew Chief; Damage Prevention Coordinator; Deputy Fire Marshal; District Fire Management Officer; Engine Boss; Engine Captain; Fire Battalion Chief; Fire Captain; Fire Chief; Fire Coordinator; Fire Department Battalion Chief; Fire Department Captain; Fire Lieutenant; Fire Marshal; Fire Prevention Bureau Captain; Fire Prevention Captain; Fire Prevention Chief; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Supervisor; Fire Suppression Captain; Forest Fire Management Officer; Forest Fire Specialist Supervisor; Hotshot Superintendent; Incident Commander; Lieutenant; Lieutenant Firefighter; Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisor; Operations Chief; Prevention Coordinator; Section Forest Fire Warden; Shift Commander; Single Resource Boss; Smoke Jumper Supervisor; Squad Boss; State Fire Marshal; Supervising Fire Marshal; Supervisory Forester
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers 7.2% Accident Prevention Squad Police Officer; Alcohol Law Enforcement Agent (ALE Agent); Animal Cop; Border Guard; Border Patrol Agent; Border Patrol Officer; Campus Police Officer; Canine Deputy (K-9 Deputy); Canine Handler (K-9 Handler); Canine Police Officer (K-9 Police Officer); Certified Police Officer; City Constable; City Marshal; Civil Division Deputy Sheriff; Civil Process Server; Community Service Officer (CSO); Community Service Patrol Officer; Complaint Evaluation Officer; Constable; Cop; County Sheriff; Court Security Deputy Sheriff; Crime Prevention Police Officer; Custody Deputy Sheriff; Customs Patrol Officer; Deputy; Deputy Certified Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff Generalist; Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant; Desk Officer; Drug Abuse Resistance Education Officer (DARE Officer); Drug Enforcement Agent; Enforcement Officer; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Highway Patrol Officer; Highway Patrol Pilot; Immigration Guard; Lateral Police Officer; Law Enforcement Officer; Marshal; Military Police Officer; Motorcycle Police; Mounted Police; Officer; Park Police; Patrol Deputy; Patrol Deputy Sheriff; Patrol Driver; Patrol Officer; Patrol Park Officer; Patrolman; Peace Officer; Physical Security Specialist; Police Booking Officer; Police Corporal; Police Inspector; Police Officer; Police Park Officer; Police Patrol Officer; Police Recruit; Police Worker; Policeman; Policewoman; Protective Officer; Protective Service Specialist; Public Safety Officer; Road Deputy; Safety Instruction Police Officer; Safety Patrol Officer; School Resource Officer (SRO); Security Specialist; Sheriff Department Corporal; Special Deputy; Special Deputy Sheriff; Special Police Officer; State Highway Police Officer; State Patrol Officer; State Trooper; SWAT Team Member (Special Weapons and Tactics Team Member); Trooper; Under Sheriff; Uniform Patrol Police Officer; University Police Officer; Working Dog Handler
Occupation: Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 7.2% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Accident Prevention Squad Police Officer; Alcohol Law Enforcement Agent (ALE Agent); Animal Cop; Border Guard; Border Patrol Agent; Border Patrol Officer; Campus Police Officer; Canine Deputy (K-9 Deputy); Canine Handler (K-9 Handler); Canine Police Officer (K-9 Police Officer); Certified Police Officer; City Constable; City Marshal; Civil Division Deputy Sheriff; Civil Process Server; Community Service Officer (CSO); Community Service Patrol Officer; Complaint Evaluation Officer; Constable; Cop; County Sheriff; Court Security Deputy Sheriff; Crime Prevention Police Officer; Custody Deputy Sheriff; Customs Patrol Officer; Deputy; Deputy Certified Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff Generalist; Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant; Desk Officer; Drug Abuse Resistance Education Officer (DARE Officer); Drug Enforcement Agent; Enforcement Officer; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Highway Patrol Officer; Highway Patrol Pilot; Immigration Guard; Lateral Police Officer; Law Enforcement Officer; Marshal; Military Police Officer; Motorcycle Police; Mounted Police; Officer; Park Police; Patrol Deputy; Patrol Deputy Sheriff; Patrol Driver; Patrol Officer; Patrol Park Officer; Patrolman; Peace Officer; Physical Security Specialist; Police Booking Officer; Police Corporal; Police Inspector; Police Officer; Police Park Officer; Police Patrol Officer; Police Recruit; Police Worker; Policeman; Policewoman; Protective Officer; Protective Service Specialist; Public Safety Officer; Road Deputy; Safety Instruction Police Officer; Safety Patrol Officer; School Resource Officer (SRO); Security Specialist; Sheriff Department Corporal; Special Deputy; Special Deputy Sheriff; Special Police Officer; State Highway Police Officer; State Patrol Officer; State Trooper; SWAT Team Member (Special Weapons and Tactics Team Member); Trooper; Under Sheriff; Uniform Patrol Police Officer; University Police Officer; Working Dog Handler
First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives 6.8% Captain; Chief Deputy; Community Relations Police Lieutenant; Deputy Chief Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Desk Sergeant; Detective Chief; Detective Lieutenant; Detective Sergeant; Detective Supervisor; Harbor Patrol Chief; Harbor Police Launch Commander; Homicide Squad Commanding Officer (Homicide Squad CO); Identification and Communications Supervisor; Identification and Records Commander; Investigation Division Commanding Officer (Investigation Division CO); Lieutenant; Motorized Squad Commanding Officer (Motorized Squad CO); Patrol Captain; Patrol Commander; Patrol Police Sergeant; Patrol Sergeant; Police Captain; Police Chief; Police Chief Deputy; Police Commanding Officer (Police CO); Police Deputy Chief; Police Lieutenant; Police Patrol Lieutenant; Police Reserves Commander; Police Sergeant; Police Shift Commander; Police Superintendent; Police Supervisor; Port Warden; Post Commander; Precinct Captain; Precinct Commanding Officer (Precinct CO); Precinct Police Captain; Precinct Police Lieutenant; Precinct Police Sergeant; Safety Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Traffic Division Commanding Officer (Traffic Division CO); Traffic Lieutenant; Traffic Sergeant; Traffic Supervisor; Uniform Force Captain; Vehicle Maintenance Unit Commanding Officer (Vehicle Maintenance Unit CO)
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 6.8% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Captain; Chief Deputy; Community Relations Police Lieutenant; Deputy Chief Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Desk Sergeant; Detective Chief; Detective Lieutenant; Detective Sergeant; Detective Supervisor; Harbor Patrol Chief; Harbor Police Launch Commander; Homicide Squad Commanding Officer (Homicide Squad CO); Identification and Communications Supervisor; Identification and Records Commander; Investigation Division Commanding Officer (Investigation Division CO); Lieutenant; Motorized Squad Commanding Officer (Motorized Squad CO); Patrol Captain; Patrol Commander; Patrol Police Sergeant; Patrol Sergeant; Police Captain; Police Chief; Police Chief Deputy; Police Commanding Officer (Police CO); Police Deputy Chief; Police Lieutenant; Police Patrol Lieutenant; Police Reserves Commander; Police Sergeant; Police Shift Commander; Police Superintendent; Police Supervisor; Port Warden; Post Commander; Precinct Captain; Precinct Commanding Officer (Precinct CO); Precinct Police Captain; Precinct Police Lieutenant; Precinct Police Sergeant; Safety Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Traffic Division Commanding Officer (Traffic Division CO); Traffic Lieutenant; Traffic Sergeant; Traffic Supervisor; Uniform Force Captain; Vehicle Maintenance Unit Commanding Officer (Vehicle Maintenance Unit CO)
Detectives and Criminal Investigators 2.5% Air Marshal; Burglary Investigator; Child Support Agent; Child Support Investigator; Child Support Officer; CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent); City Detective; Counter Intelligence Agent; Crime Analyst; Crime Investigator Special Agent; Crime Scene Investigator (CSI); Criminal Analyst; Criminal Investigations Agent; Criminal Investigative Agent; Criminal Investigator; Criminal Investigator Special Agent; Criminal Profiler; Criminalist; Cyber Special Agent; Cybercrimes Investigator; Deputy United States Marshal (Deputy US Marshal); Detective; Drug Enforcement Administration Agent (DEA AGENT); Enforcement Agent; FBI Field Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Field Agent); FBI Investigator (Federal Bureau of Investigation Investigator); FBI Profiler (Federal Bureau of Investigation Profiler); FBI Sharpshooter (Federal Bureau of Investigation Sharpshooter); FBI Special Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent); Federal Air Marshal; Financial Crimes Analyst; Fugitive Detective; Fugitive Investigator; Gang Investigator; Homicide Detective; Homicide Investigator; Identification Officer; Intelligence Officer; Internal Affairs Investigator; Investigation Officer; Investigative Analyst; Investigator; Law Enforcement Specialist; Major Case Detective; Master Police Detective; Missing Persons Investigator; Narcotics Agent; Narcotics Detective; Narcotics Investigator; Police Detective; Police Inspector; Police Investigator; Secret Service Agent; Sex Crimes Detective; Special Agent; Special Crimes Investigator; Special Inspector; Spy; State Trooper; Station Detective; Undercover Cop; United States Marshal (US Marshal); Vice Detective; Vice Investigator; Victim Liaison; Violent Crimes Detective
Occupation: Detectives and Criminal Investigators U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 2.5% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Air Marshal; Burglary Investigator; Child Support Agent; Child Support Investigator; Child Support Officer; CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent); City Detective; Counter Intelligence Agent; Crime Analyst; Crime Investigator Special Agent; Crime Scene Investigator (CSI); Criminal Analyst; Criminal Investigations Agent; Criminal Investigative Agent; Criminal Investigator; Criminal Investigator Special Agent; Criminal Profiler; Criminalist; Cyber Special Agent; Cybercrimes Investigator; Deputy United States Marshal (Deputy US Marshal); Detective; Drug Enforcement Administration Agent (DEA AGENT); Enforcement Agent; FBI Field Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Field Agent); FBI Investigator (Federal Bureau of Investigation Investigator); FBI Profiler (Federal Bureau of Investigation Profiler); FBI Sharpshooter (Federal Bureau of Investigation Sharpshooter); FBI Special Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent); Federal Air Marshal; Financial Crimes Analyst; Fugitive Detective; Fugitive Investigator; Gang Investigator; Homicide Detective; Homicide Investigator; Identification Officer; Intelligence Officer; Internal Affairs Investigator; Investigation Officer; Investigative Analyst; Investigator; Law Enforcement Specialist; Major Case Detective; Master Police Detective; Missing Persons Investigator; Narcotics Agent; Narcotics Detective; Narcotics Investigator; Police Detective; Police Inspector; Police Investigator; Secret Service Agent; Sex Crimes Detective; Special Agent; Special Crimes Investigator; Special Inspector; Spy; State Trooper; Station Detective; Undercover Cop; United States Marshal (US Marshal); Vice Detective; Vice Investigator; Victim Liaison; Violent Crimes Detective
Bailiffs 0.4% Armed Bailiff; Bailiff; Bailiff Deputy; City Bailiff; County Bailiff; Court Bailiff; Court Constable; Court Deputy; Court Officer; Court Security Officer; Courtroom Deputy; Deputy Bailiff; Deputy Court Services Sheriff; District Court Bailiff; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Security Officer; Sergeant at Arms
Occupation: Bailiffs U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 0.4% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Armed Bailiff; Bailiff; Bailiff Deputy; City Bailiff; County Bailiff; Court Bailiff; Court Constable; Court Deputy; Court Officer; Court Security Officer; Courtroom Deputy; Deputy Bailiff; Deputy Court Services Sheriff; District Court Bailiff; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Security Officer; Sergeant at Arms
Transportation Security Screeners 0.2% Airline Security Representative; Airport Baggage Screener; Airport Screener; Airport Security Screener; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Biometric Screener; Flight Security Specialist; Notification Specialist; Passenger Screener; Screener; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Screener; Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Screener; Transportation Security Administration Screener (TSA Screener); Transportation Security Officer (TSO); Transportation Security Screener
Occupation: Transportation Security Screeners U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 0.2% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Airline Security Representative; Airport Baggage Screener; Airport Screener; Airport Security Screener; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Biometric Screener; Flight Security Specialist; Notification Specialist; Passenger Screener; Screener; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Screener; Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Screener; Transportation Security Administration Screener (TSA Screener); Transportation Security Officer (TSO); Transportation Security Screener
Fish and Game Wardens 0.2% Community Resource Officer; Conservation Enforcement Officer; Conservation Officer; District Resource Officer; Environmental Conservation Officer; Fish and Game Warden; Fish and Wildlife Warden; Fish Warden; Fisheries Enforcement Officer; Fishing Game Warden; Game Agent; Game and Fish Protector; Game Protector; Game Warden; Mammal Control Agent; Natural Resource Officer; Park Guard; Park Warden; Resource Officer; State Game Protector; State Game Warden; State Wildlife Officer; Warden; Wildlife and Game Protector; Wildlife Conservation Officer; Wildlife Control Agent; Wildlife Control Partner; Wildlife Enforcement Major; Wildlife Officer; Wildlife Protector; Woods Warden
Occupation: Fish and Game Wardens U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: 0.2% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Community Resource Officer; Conservation Enforcement Officer; Conservation Officer; District Resource Officer; Environmental Conservation Officer; Fish and Game Warden; Fish and Wildlife Warden; Fish Warden; Fisheries Enforcement Officer; Fishing Game Warden; Game Agent; Game and Fish Protector; Game Protector; Game Warden; Mammal Control Agent; Natural Resource Officer; Park Guard; Park Warden; Resource Officer; State Game Protector; State Game Warden; State Wildlife Officer; Warden; Wildlife and Game Protector; Wildlife Conservation Officer; Wildlife Control Agent; Wildlife Control Partner; Wildlife Enforcement Major; Wildlife Officer; Wildlife Protector; Woods Warden
First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers -2.8% Correction Officer Supervisor; Correction Warden; Correctional Case Records Supervisor; Correctional Officer Captain; Correctional Supervisor; Detention Director; Detention Supervisor; Guard Chief; Guard Supervisor; Juvenile Justice Supervisor; Prison Guard Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Ward Supervisor
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: -2.8% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Correction Officer Supervisor; Correction Warden; Correctional Case Records Supervisor; Correctional Officer Captain; Correctional Supervisor; Detention Director; Detention Supervisor; Guard Chief; Guard Supervisor; Juvenile Justice Supervisor; Prison Guard Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Ward Supervisor
Correctional Officers and Jailers -7.2% Booking Officer; Certified Detention Deputy; Civilian Jail Officer; Community Corrections Officer (CCO); Community Services Officer (CSO); Confinement Officer; Convict Guard; Correction Officer; Correctional Guard; Correctional Monitor; Correctional Officer; Correctional Officer Specialist; Corrections Corporal; Corrections Officer (CO); Corrections Specialist; Cottage Master; Cottage Parent; Cottage Supervisor; Custodial Officer; Deputy; Deputy Jailer; Detention Deputy; Detention Officer; Detention Specialist; Gate Guard; Gate Watchman; Guard; Jail Guard; Jail Officer; Jailer; Jailkeeper; Jailor; Juvenile Correctional Officer; Juvenile Corrections Officer; Juvenile Detention Officer; Juvenile Justice Detention Officer; Matron; Patrol Conductor; Penal Officer; Point Guard; Police Detention Attendant; Police Matron; Prison Guard; Prison Officer; Protective Services Officer (PSO); Reformatory Attendant; Security Officer; Station Jailer; Youth Corrections Officer
Occupation: Correctional Officers and Jailers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: -7.2% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Booking Officer; Certified Detention Deputy; Civilian Jail Officer; Community Corrections Officer (CCO); Community Services Officer (CSO); Confinement Officer; Convict Guard; Correction Officer; Correctional Guard; Correctional Monitor; Correctional Officer; Correctional Officer Specialist; Corrections Corporal; Corrections Officer (CO); Corrections Specialist; Cottage Master; Cottage Parent; Cottage Supervisor; Custodial Officer; Deputy; Deputy Jailer; Detention Deputy; Detention Officer; Detention Specialist; Gate Guard; Gate Watchman; Guard; Jail Guard; Jail Officer; Jailer; Jailkeeper; Jailor; Juvenile Correctional Officer; Juvenile Corrections Officer; Juvenile Detention Officer; Juvenile Justice Detention Officer; Matron; Patrol Conductor; Penal Officer; Point Guard; Police Detention Attendant; Police Matron; Prison Guard; Prison Officer; Protective Services Officer (PSO); Reformatory Attendant; Security Officer; Station Jailer; Youth Corrections Officer
Parking Enforcement Workers -35% Civilian Pay Technician (Civilian Pay Tech); Enforcement Safety Officer; Meter Maid; Parking Control Officer; Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO); Parking Enforcement Specialist; Parking Enforcement Technician; Parking Enforcer; Parking Manager; Parking Meter Attendant; Parking Officer; Parking Regulation Enforcement Officer; Parking Technician; Patroller; Ramp Service Employee; Ticket Writer; Traffic Control Attendant; Traffic Control Officer
Occupation: Parking Enforcement Workers U.S. Job Openings 2023-2033: -35% Protective Service-Related Jobs: Civilian Pay Technician (Civilian Pay Tech); Enforcement Safety Officer; Meter Maid; Parking Control Officer; Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO); Parking Enforcement Specialist; Parking Enforcement Technician; Parking Enforcer; Parking Manager; Parking Meter Attendant; Parking Officer; Parking Regulation Enforcement Officer; Parking Technician; Patroller; Ramp Service Employee; Ticket Writer; Traffic Control Attendant; Traffic Control Officer

26 Protective Service careers are listed below (sorted by U.S. National Median Salary). Protective Service-related jobs specific to each occupation are also provided. Please Scroll and Select below::

Occupations National Median Salary Protective Service-Related Jobs

First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives $ 101,750 Captain; Chief Deputy; Community Relations Police Lieutenant; Deputy Chief Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Desk Sergeant; Detective Chief; Detective Lieutenant; Detective Sergeant; Detective Supervisor; Harbor Patrol Chief; Harbor Police Launch Commander; Homicide Squad Commanding Officer (Homicide Squad CO); Identification and Communications Supervisor; Identification and Records Commander; Investigation Division Commanding Officer (Investigation Division CO); Lieutenant; Motorized Squad Commanding Officer (Motorized Squad CO); Patrol Captain; Patrol Commander; Patrol Police Sergeant; Patrol Sergeant; Police Captain; Police Chief; Police Chief Deputy; Police Commanding Officer (Police CO); Police Deputy Chief; Police Lieutenant; Police Patrol Lieutenant; Police Reserves Commander; Police Sergeant; Police Shift Commander; Police Superintendent; Police Supervisor; Port Warden; Post Commander; Precinct Captain; Precinct Commanding Officer (Precinct CO); Precinct Police Captain; Precinct Police Lieutenant; Precinct Police Sergeant; Safety Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Traffic Division Commanding Officer (Traffic Division CO); Traffic Lieutenant; Traffic Sergeant; Traffic Supervisor; Uniform Force Captain; Vehicle Maintenance Unit Commanding Officer (Vehicle Maintenance Unit CO)
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives National Median Salary: $ 101,750 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Captain; Chief Deputy; Community Relations Police Lieutenant; Deputy Chief Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Desk Sergeant; Detective Chief; Detective Lieutenant; Detective Sergeant; Detective Supervisor; Harbor Patrol Chief; Harbor Police Launch Commander; Homicide Squad Commanding Officer (Homicide Squad CO); Identification and Communications Supervisor; Identification and Records Commander; Investigation Division Commanding Officer (Investigation Division CO); Lieutenant; Motorized Squad Commanding Officer (Motorized Squad CO); Patrol Captain; Patrol Commander; Patrol Police Sergeant; Patrol Sergeant; Police Captain; Police Chief; Police Chief Deputy; Police Commanding Officer (Police CO); Police Deputy Chief; Police Lieutenant; Police Patrol Lieutenant; Police Reserves Commander; Police Sergeant; Police Shift Commander; Police Superintendent; Police Supervisor; Port Warden; Post Commander; Precinct Captain; Precinct Commanding Officer (Precinct CO); Precinct Police Captain; Precinct Police Lieutenant; Precinct Police Sergeant; Safety Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Traffic Division Commanding Officer (Traffic Division CO); Traffic Lieutenant; Traffic Sergeant; Traffic Supervisor; Uniform Force Captain; Vehicle Maintenance Unit Commanding Officer (Vehicle Maintenance Unit CO)
Detectives and Criminal Investigators $ 91,100 Air Marshal; Burglary Investigator; Child Support Agent; Child Support Investigator; Child Support Officer; CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent); City Detective; Counter Intelligence Agent; Crime Analyst; Crime Investigator Special Agent; Crime Scene Investigator (CSI); Criminal Analyst; Criminal Investigations Agent; Criminal Investigative Agent; Criminal Investigator; Criminal Investigator Special Agent; Criminal Profiler; Criminalist; Cyber Special Agent; Cybercrimes Investigator; Deputy United States Marshal (Deputy US Marshal); Detective; Drug Enforcement Administration Agent (DEA AGENT); Enforcement Agent; FBI Field Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Field Agent); FBI Investigator (Federal Bureau of Investigation Investigator); FBI Profiler (Federal Bureau of Investigation Profiler); FBI Sharpshooter (Federal Bureau of Investigation Sharpshooter); FBI Special Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent); Federal Air Marshal; Financial Crimes Analyst; Fugitive Detective; Fugitive Investigator; Gang Investigator; Homicide Detective; Homicide Investigator; Identification Officer; Intelligence Officer; Internal Affairs Investigator; Investigation Officer; Investigative Analyst; Investigator; Law Enforcement Specialist; Major Case Detective; Master Police Detective; Missing Persons Investigator; Narcotics Agent; Narcotics Detective; Narcotics Investigator; Police Detective; Police Inspector; Police Investigator; Secret Service Agent; Sex Crimes Detective; Special Agent; Special Crimes Investigator; Special Inspector; Spy; State Trooper; Station Detective; Undercover Cop; United States Marshal (US Marshal); Vice Detective; Vice Investigator; Victim Liaison; Violent Crimes Detective
Occupation: Detectives and Criminal Investigators National Median Salary: $ 91,100 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Air Marshal; Burglary Investigator; Child Support Agent; Child Support Investigator; Child Support Officer; CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent); City Detective; Counter Intelligence Agent; Crime Analyst; Crime Investigator Special Agent; Crime Scene Investigator (CSI); Criminal Analyst; Criminal Investigations Agent; Criminal Investigative Agent; Criminal Investigator; Criminal Investigator Special Agent; Criminal Profiler; Criminalist; Cyber Special Agent; Cybercrimes Investigator; Deputy United States Marshal (Deputy US Marshal); Detective; Drug Enforcement Administration Agent (DEA AGENT); Enforcement Agent; FBI Field Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Field Agent); FBI Investigator (Federal Bureau of Investigation Investigator); FBI Profiler (Federal Bureau of Investigation Profiler); FBI Sharpshooter (Federal Bureau of Investigation Sharpshooter); FBI Special Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent); Federal Air Marshal; Financial Crimes Analyst; Fugitive Detective; Fugitive Investigator; Gang Investigator; Homicide Detective; Homicide Investigator; Identification Officer; Intelligence Officer; Internal Affairs Investigator; Investigation Officer; Investigative Analyst; Investigator; Law Enforcement Specialist; Major Case Detective; Master Police Detective; Missing Persons Investigator; Narcotics Agent; Narcotics Detective; Narcotics Investigator; Police Detective; Police Inspector; Police Investigator; Secret Service Agent; Sex Crimes Detective; Special Agent; Special Crimes Investigator; Special Inspector; Spy; State Trooper; Station Detective; Undercover Cop; United States Marshal (US Marshal); Vice Detective; Vice Investigator; Victim Liaison; Violent Crimes Detective
Police Identification and Records Officers $ 91,100 Accident Examiner; Accident Investigator; Accident Reconstructionist; Community Service Officer; Computer Forensic Examiner; Computer Forensic Specialist; Corrections Identification Technician; Crime Lab Analyst (Crime Laboratory Analyst); Crime Scene Evidence Technician; Crime Scene Examiner; Crime Scene Investigator; Crime Scene Specialist; Crime Scene Technician; Crime Victim Specialist; Criminal Identification Coordination Specialist; Criminal Records Technician; Criminal Specialist; Criminalist; Cyber Forensic Specialist; Evidence Custodian; Evidence Technician; Field Evidence Technician; Field Identification Specialist; Fingerprint Classifier; Forensic Identification Specialist; Forensic Science Examiner; Forensic Scientist; Forensic Sergeant; Forensic Specialist; Forensic Technician; Identification Officer; Identification Technician; Investigative Police Specialist; Latent Fingerprint Examiner; Latent Print Examiner; Parts Identification Technician; Police Crime Scene Technician; Police Evidence Specialist; Site Identification Specialist
Occupation: Police Identification and Records Officers National Median Salary: $ 91,100 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Accident Examiner; Accident Investigator; Accident Reconstructionist; Community Service Officer; Computer Forensic Examiner; Computer Forensic Specialist; Corrections Identification Technician; Crime Lab Analyst (Crime Laboratory Analyst); Crime Scene Evidence Technician; Crime Scene Examiner; Crime Scene Investigator; Crime Scene Specialist; Crime Scene Technician; Crime Victim Specialist; Criminal Identification Coordination Specialist; Criminal Records Technician; Criminal Specialist; Criminalist; Cyber Forensic Specialist; Evidence Custodian; Evidence Technician; Field Evidence Technician; Field Identification Specialist; Fingerprint Classifier; Forensic Identification Specialist; Forensic Science Examiner; Forensic Scientist; Forensic Sergeant; Forensic Specialist; Forensic Technician; Identification Officer; Identification Technician; Investigative Police Specialist; Latent Fingerprint Examiner; Latent Print Examiner; Parts Identification Technician; Police Crime Scene Technician; Police Evidence Specialist; Site Identification Specialist
Intelligence Analysts $ 91,100 AI Consultant (Artificial Intelligence Consultant); All Source Intelligence Analyst; Anti-Terrorist Analyst; CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent); Competitive Intelligence Analyst; Computer Network Defense Analyst; Counterintelligence Agent; Counterintelligence Analyst; Crime Analyst (Criminal Analyst); Crime and Intelligence Analyst (Criminal and Intelligence Analyst); Crime Intelligence Analyst (Criminal Intelligence Analyst); Crime Intelligence Specialist (Criminal Intelligence Specialist); Crime Research Specialist (Criminal Research Specialist); Cyber All Source Analyst (Cybersecurity All Source Analyst); Cyber All-Source Analyst (Cybersecurity All-Source Analyst); Cyber Analyst (Cybersecurity Analyst); Cyber Defense Analyst (Cybersecurity Defense Analyst); Cyber Defense Forensics Analyst (Cybersecurity Defense Forensics Analyst); Cyber Exploitation Analyst (Cybersecurity Exploitation Analyst); Cyber Intel Analyst (Cybersecurity Intelligence Analyst); Cyber Intelligence Planner (Cybersecurity Intelligence Planner); Cyber Intelligence Specialist (Cybersecurity Intelligence Specialist); Cyber Multi-Disciplined Language Analyst (Cybersecurity Multi-Disciplined Language Analyst); Cyber Ops Specialist (Cybersecurity Operations Specialist); Cyber Target Developer (Cybersecurity Target Developer); Cyber Target Network Analyst (Cybersecurity Target Network Analyst); Cyber Threat Analyst (Cybersecurity Threat Analyst); Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst (Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Analyst); Data Intel Analyst (Data Intelligence Analyst); Defense Analyst; Intel Agent (Intelligence Agent); Intel Analyst (Intelligence Analyst); Intel Research Specialist (Intelligence Research Specialist); Intel Specialist (Intelligence Specialist); Intelligence Ops Specialist (Intelligence Operations Specialist); Investigative Intel Analysts (Investigative Intelligence Analysts); Police Crime and Intel Analyst (Police Crime and Intelligence Analyst); Surveillance Analyst; Terrorism Research Specialist; Threat Intelligence Analyst (Threat Intel Analyst)
Occupation: Intelligence Analysts National Median Salary: $ 91,100 Protective Service-Related Jobs: AI Consultant (Artificial Intelligence Consultant); All Source Intelligence Analyst; Anti-Terrorist Analyst; CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent); Competitive Intelligence Analyst; Computer Network Defense Analyst; Counterintelligence Agent; Counterintelligence Analyst; Crime Analyst (Criminal Analyst); Crime and Intelligence Analyst (Criminal and Intelligence Analyst); Crime Intelligence Analyst (Criminal Intelligence Analyst); Crime Intelligence Specialist (Criminal Intelligence Specialist); Crime Research Specialist (Criminal Research Specialist); Cyber All Source Analyst (Cybersecurity All Source Analyst); Cyber All-Source Analyst (Cybersecurity All-Source Analyst); Cyber Analyst (Cybersecurity Analyst); Cyber Defense Analyst (Cybersecurity Defense Analyst); Cyber Defense Forensics Analyst (Cybersecurity Defense Forensics Analyst); Cyber Exploitation Analyst (Cybersecurity Exploitation Analyst); Cyber Intel Analyst (Cybersecurity Intelligence Analyst); Cyber Intelligence Planner (Cybersecurity Intelligence Planner); Cyber Intelligence Specialist (Cybersecurity Intelligence Specialist); Cyber Multi-Disciplined Language Analyst (Cybersecurity Multi-Disciplined Language Analyst); Cyber Ops Specialist (Cybersecurity Operations Specialist); Cyber Target Developer (Cybersecurity Target Developer); Cyber Target Network Analyst (Cybersecurity Target Network Analyst); Cyber Threat Analyst (Cybersecurity Threat Analyst); Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst (Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Analyst); Data Intel Analyst (Data Intelligence Analyst); Defense Analyst; Intel Agent (Intelligence Agent); Intel Analyst (Intelligence Analyst); Intel Research Specialist (Intelligence Research Specialist); Intel Specialist (Intelligence Specialist); Intelligence Ops Specialist (Intelligence Operations Specialist); Investigative Intel Analysts (Investigative Intelligence Analysts); Police Crime and Intel Analyst (Police Crime and Intelligence Analyst); Surveillance Analyst; Terrorism Research Specialist; Threat Intelligence Analyst (Threat Intel Analyst)
First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers $ 86,220 Battalion Chief; Captain; Chief; Crew Boss; Crew Chief; Damage Prevention Coordinator; Deputy Fire Marshal; District Fire Management Officer; Engine Boss; Engine Captain; Fire Battalion Chief; Fire Captain; Fire Chief; Fire Coordinator; Fire Department Battalion Chief; Fire Department Captain; Fire Lieutenant; Fire Marshal; Fire Prevention Bureau Captain; Fire Prevention Captain; Fire Prevention Chief; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Supervisor; Fire Suppression Captain; Forest Fire Management Officer; Forest Fire Specialist Supervisor; Hotshot Superintendent; Incident Commander; Lieutenant; Lieutenant Firefighter; Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisor; Operations Chief; Prevention Coordinator; Section Forest Fire Warden; Shift Commander; Single Resource Boss; Smoke Jumper Supervisor; Squad Boss; State Fire Marshal; Supervising Fire Marshal; Supervisory Forester
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers National Median Salary: $ 86,220 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Battalion Chief; Captain; Chief; Crew Boss; Crew Chief; Damage Prevention Coordinator; Deputy Fire Marshal; District Fire Management Officer; Engine Boss; Engine Captain; Fire Battalion Chief; Fire Captain; Fire Chief; Fire Coordinator; Fire Department Battalion Chief; Fire Department Captain; Fire Lieutenant; Fire Marshal; Fire Prevention Bureau Captain; Fire Prevention Captain; Fire Prevention Chief; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Supervisor; Fire Suppression Captain; Forest Fire Management Officer; Forest Fire Specialist Supervisor; Hotshot Superintendent; Incident Commander; Lieutenant; Lieutenant Firefighter; Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisor; Operations Chief; Prevention Coordinator; Section Forest Fire Warden; Shift Commander; Single Resource Boss; Smoke Jumper Supervisor; Squad Boss; State Fire Marshal; Supervising Fire Marshal; Supervisory Forester
Fire Inspectors and Investigators $ 74,160 Alarm Inspector; Alarm Sprinkler Inspector; Arson and Bomb Investigator; Arson Investigator; Bomb Investigator; Building Inspector; Canine Handler (K9 Handler); Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI); Certified Fire Investigator (CFI); Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI); Code Official; Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Alarm Inspector; Fire and Explosion Investigator; Fire Code Inspector; Fire Equipment Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Technician (Fire Extinguisher Tech); Fire Hazard Inspector; Fire Inspector; Fire Investigator; Fire Marshall; Fire Official; Fire Prevention Inspector; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Specialist; Fire Protection Fabricator; Fire Protection Inspector; Fire Protection Specialist; Fire Safety Inspector; Fire Safety Specialist; Fire Sprinkler Apparatus Inspector; Fire Sprinkler Foreman; Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Systems Inspector; Inspector; Smoke Inspector; Sprinkler Inspector
Occupation: Fire Inspectors and Investigators National Median Salary: $ 74,160 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Alarm Inspector; Alarm Sprinkler Inspector; Arson and Bomb Investigator; Arson Investigator; Bomb Investigator; Building Inspector; Canine Handler (K9 Handler); Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI); Certified Fire Investigator (CFI); Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI); Code Official; Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Alarm Inspector; Fire and Explosion Investigator; Fire Code Inspector; Fire Equipment Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Technician (Fire Extinguisher Tech); Fire Hazard Inspector; Fire Inspector; Fire Investigator; Fire Marshall; Fire Official; Fire Prevention Inspector; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Specialist; Fire Protection Fabricator; Fire Protection Inspector; Fire Protection Specialist; Fire Safety Inspector; Fire Safety Specialist; Fire Sprinkler Apparatus Inspector; Fire Sprinkler Foreman; Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Systems Inspector; Inspector; Smoke Inspector; Sprinkler Inspector
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers $ 72,280 Accident Prevention Squad Police Officer; Alcohol Law Enforcement Agent (ALE Agent); Animal Cop; Border Guard; Border Patrol Agent; Border Patrol Officer; Campus Police Officer; Canine Deputy (K-9 Deputy); Canine Handler (K-9 Handler); Canine Police Officer (K-9 Police Officer); Certified Police Officer; City Constable; City Marshal; Civil Division Deputy Sheriff; Civil Process Server; Community Service Officer (CSO); Community Service Patrol Officer; Complaint Evaluation Officer; Constable; Cop; County Sheriff; Court Security Deputy Sheriff; Crime Prevention Police Officer; Custody Deputy Sheriff; Customs Patrol Officer; Deputy; Deputy Certified Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff Generalist; Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant; Desk Officer; Drug Abuse Resistance Education Officer (DARE Officer); Drug Enforcement Agent; Enforcement Officer; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Highway Patrol Officer; Highway Patrol Pilot; Immigration Guard; Lateral Police Officer; Law Enforcement Officer; Marshal; Military Police Officer; Motorcycle Police; Mounted Police; Officer; Park Police; Patrol Deputy; Patrol Deputy Sheriff; Patrol Driver; Patrol Officer; Patrol Park Officer; Patrolman; Peace Officer; Physical Security Specialist; Police Booking Officer; Police Corporal; Police Inspector; Police Officer; Police Park Officer; Police Patrol Officer; Police Recruit; Police Worker; Policeman; Policewoman; Protective Officer; Protective Service Specialist; Public Safety Officer; Road Deputy; Safety Instruction Police Officer; Safety Patrol Officer; School Resource Officer (SRO); Security Specialist; Sheriff Department Corporal; Special Deputy; Special Deputy Sheriff; Special Police Officer; State Highway Police Officer; State Patrol Officer; State Trooper; SWAT Team Member (Special Weapons and Tactics Team Member); Trooper; Under Sheriff; Uniform Patrol Police Officer; University Police Officer; Working Dog Handler
Occupation: Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers National Median Salary: $ 72,280 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Accident Prevention Squad Police Officer; Alcohol Law Enforcement Agent (ALE Agent); Animal Cop; Border Guard; Border Patrol Agent; Border Patrol Officer; Campus Police Officer; Canine Deputy (K-9 Deputy); Canine Handler (K-9 Handler); Canine Police Officer (K-9 Police Officer); Certified Police Officer; City Constable; City Marshal; Civil Division Deputy Sheriff; Civil Process Server; Community Service Officer (CSO); Community Service Patrol Officer; Complaint Evaluation Officer; Constable; Cop; County Sheriff; Court Security Deputy Sheriff; Crime Prevention Police Officer; Custody Deputy Sheriff; Customs Patrol Officer; Deputy; Deputy Certified Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff Generalist; Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant; Desk Officer; Drug Abuse Resistance Education Officer (DARE Officer); Drug Enforcement Agent; Enforcement Officer; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Highway Patrol Officer; Highway Patrol Pilot; Immigration Guard; Lateral Police Officer; Law Enforcement Officer; Marshal; Military Police Officer; Motorcycle Police; Mounted Police; Officer; Park Police; Patrol Deputy; Patrol Deputy Sheriff; Patrol Driver; Patrol Officer; Patrol Park Officer; Patrolman; Peace Officer; Physical Security Specialist; Police Booking Officer; Police Corporal; Police Inspector; Police Officer; Police Park Officer; Police Patrol Officer; Police Recruit; Police Worker; Policeman; Policewoman; Protective Officer; Protective Service Specialist; Public Safety Officer; Road Deputy; Safety Instruction Police Officer; Safety Patrol Officer; School Resource Officer (SRO); Security Specialist; Sheriff Department Corporal; Special Deputy; Special Deputy Sheriff; Special Police Officer; State Highway Police Officer; State Patrol Officer; State Trooper; SWAT Team Member (Special Weapons and Tactics Team Member); Trooper; Under Sheriff; Uniform Patrol Police Officer; University Police Officer; Working Dog Handler
Customs and Border Protection Officers $ 72,280 Agriculture Specialist; Air Import Specialist; Border Patrol Agent; Canine Enforcement Officer (K-9 Enforcement Officer); Customs and Border Patrol Agent; Customs Import Specialist; Customs Inspector; Customs Officer; Customs Opener; Customs Packer; Customs Specialist; Customs Verifier; Deportation Officer; Drug Enforcement Agent; Drug Inspector; Duty Officer; Immigration Services Officer; Import Specialist; Marine Interdiction Agent (MIA); Ocean Import Specialist; Patrol Inspector; Special Agent; US Customs and Border Officer; US Customs and Border Protection Officer (US CBPO)
Occupation: Customs and Border Protection Officers National Median Salary: $ 72,280 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Agriculture Specialist; Air Import Specialist; Border Patrol Agent; Canine Enforcement Officer (K-9 Enforcement Officer); Customs and Border Patrol Agent; Customs Import Specialist; Customs Inspector; Customs Officer; Customs Opener; Customs Packer; Customs Specialist; Customs Verifier; Deportation Officer; Drug Enforcement Agent; Drug Inspector; Duty Officer; Immigration Services Officer; Import Specialist; Marine Interdiction Agent (MIA); Ocean Import Specialist; Patrol Inspector; Special Agent; US Customs and Border Officer; US Customs and Border Protection Officer (US CBPO)
Transit and Railroad Police $ 72,250 Canine Officer (K-9 Officer); Field Training Advisor; Field Training Agent; Law Enforcement Officer; Officer; Patrol Man; Patrol Officer; Patroller; Patrolman; Police Captain; Police Specialist; Public Transit Specialist; Railroad Detective; Railroad Police; Railroad Police Officer; Railroad Safety Specialist; Railroad Watchman; Secured Entrance Monitor; Track Patrol; Track Watchman; Transit Authority Police; Transit Authority Police Officer; Transit Officer; Transit Police Officer; Transit Specialist; Transportation Officer; Transportation Sergeant; Unarmed Officer
Occupation: Transit and Railroad Police National Median Salary: $ 72,250 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Canine Officer (K-9 Officer); Field Training Advisor; Field Training Agent; Law Enforcement Officer; Officer; Patrol Man; Patrol Officer; Patroller; Patrolman; Police Captain; Police Specialist; Public Transit Specialist; Railroad Detective; Railroad Police; Railroad Police Officer; Railroad Safety Specialist; Railroad Watchman; Secured Entrance Monitor; Track Patrol; Track Watchman; Transit Authority Police; Transit Authority Police Officer; Transit Officer; Transit Police Officer; Transit Specialist; Transportation Officer; Transportation Sergeant; Unarmed Officer
First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers $ 70,530 Correction Officer Supervisor; Correction Warden; Correctional Case Records Supervisor; Correctional Officer Captain; Correctional Supervisor; Detention Director; Detention Supervisor; Guard Chief; Guard Supervisor; Juvenile Justice Supervisor; Prison Guard Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Ward Supervisor
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers National Median Salary: $ 70,530 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Correction Officer Supervisor; Correction Warden; Correctional Case Records Supervisor; Correctional Officer Captain; Correctional Supervisor; Detention Director; Detention Supervisor; Guard Chief; Guard Supervisor; Juvenile Justice Supervisor; Prison Guard Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Ward Supervisor
Fish and Game Wardens $ 60,380 Community Resource Officer; Conservation Enforcement Officer; Conservation Officer; District Resource Officer; Environmental Conservation Officer; Fish and Game Warden; Fish and Wildlife Warden; Fish Warden; Fisheries Enforcement Officer; Fishing Game Warden; Game Agent; Game and Fish Protector; Game Protector; Game Warden; Mammal Control Agent; Natural Resource Officer; Park Guard; Park Warden; Resource Officer; State Game Protector; State Game Warden; State Wildlife Officer; Warden; Wildlife and Game Protector; Wildlife Conservation Officer; Wildlife Control Agent; Wildlife Control Partner; Wildlife Enforcement Major; Wildlife Officer; Wildlife Protector; Woods Warden
Occupation: Fish and Game Wardens National Median Salary: $ 60,380 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Community Resource Officer; Conservation Enforcement Officer; Conservation Officer; District Resource Officer; Environmental Conservation Officer; Fish and Game Warden; Fish and Wildlife Warden; Fish Warden; Fisheries Enforcement Officer; Fishing Game Warden; Game Agent; Game and Fish Protector; Game Protector; Game Warden; Mammal Control Agent; Natural Resource Officer; Park Guard; Park Warden; Resource Officer; State Game Protector; State Game Warden; State Wildlife Officer; Warden; Wildlife and Game Protector; Wildlife Conservation Officer; Wildlife Control Agent; Wildlife Control Partner; Wildlife Enforcement Major; Wildlife Officer; Wildlife Protector; Woods Warden
Firefighters $ 57,120 Airport Firefighter; Apparatus Operator; Crash Fire Firefighter; Fire Alarm Operator; Fire Apparatus Engineer; Fire Engine Pump Operator; Fire Engineer; Fire Equipment Operator; Fire Fighter; Fire Hydrant Operator; Fire Management Specialist; Fire Medic; Fire Suppression Technician; Fire Technician (Fire Tech); Fireboat Operator; Firefighter; Firefighter Diver; Firefighter Paramedic; Fireman; Forest Fire Suppression Specialist; Forest Firefighter; Forestry Fire Technician (Forestry Fire Tech); Hot Shot; Ladder Operator; Ladderman; Marine Firefighter; Municipal Firefighter; Oil Fire Specialist; On-Scene Supporter; Plugman; Rescue Worker; Smoke Chaser; Smoke Eater; Smoke Jumper; Tail Board Man; Tail Board Worker; Tiller Man; Tiller Worker; Volunteer Firefighter; Water and Fire Technician (Water and Fire Tech); Wildland Firefighter; Wildland Firefighter Specialist; Wildland Specialist Firefighter
Occupation: Firefighters National Median Salary: $ 57,120 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Airport Firefighter; Apparatus Operator; Crash Fire Firefighter; Fire Alarm Operator; Fire Apparatus Engineer; Fire Engine Pump Operator; Fire Engineer; Fire Equipment Operator; Fire Fighter; Fire Hydrant Operator; Fire Management Specialist; Fire Medic; Fire Suppression Technician; Fire Technician (Fire Tech); Fireboat Operator; Firefighter; Firefighter Diver; Firefighter Paramedic; Fireman; Forest Fire Suppression Specialist; Forest Firefighter; Forestry Fire Technician (Forestry Fire Tech); Hot Shot; Ladder Operator; Ladderman; Marine Firefighter; Municipal Firefighter; Oil Fire Specialist; On-Scene Supporter; Plugman; Rescue Worker; Smoke Chaser; Smoke Eater; Smoke Jumper; Tail Board Man; Tail Board Worker; Tiller Man; Tiller Worker; Volunteer Firefighter; Water and Fire Technician (Water and Fire Tech); Wildland Firefighter; Wildland Firefighter Specialist; Wildland Specialist Firefighter
First-Line Supervisors of Security Workers $ 54,580 Armed Site Supervisor; First-line Supervisor of Security Workers; Guard Captain; Guard Chief; Guard Supervisor; Internal Security Manager; Officer Sergeant; Protection Supervisor; Safety Supervisor; Security Chief; Security Department Supervisor; Security Director; Security Field Supervisor; Security Floor Supervisor; Security Guard Supervisor; Security Manager; Security Officer Supervisor; Security Shift Supervisor; Security Site Supervisor; Security Supervisor; TSA Screener Supervisor (Transportation Security Administration Screener Supervisor)
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Security Workers National Median Salary: $ 54,580 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Armed Site Supervisor; First-line Supervisor of Security Workers; Guard Captain; Guard Chief; Guard Supervisor; Internal Security Manager; Officer Sergeant; Protection Supervisor; Safety Supervisor; Security Chief; Security Department Supervisor; Security Director; Security Field Supervisor; Security Floor Supervisor; Security Guard Supervisor; Security Manager; Security Officer Supervisor; Security Shift Supervisor; Security Site Supervisor; Security Supervisor; TSA Screener Supervisor (Transportation Security Administration Screener Supervisor)
Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists $ 54,080 District Ranger; Environmental Protection Fire Control Officer; Fire Management Officer; Fire Management Technician; Fire Observer; Fire Operations Forester; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Technician; Fire Range Technician; Fire Ranger; Fire Technician; Fire Tower Keeper; Fire Warden; Fire Watcher; Forest Fire Control Officer; Forest Fire Officer; Forest Officer; Forest Patrolman; Forestry Patrolman; Look Out Tower Fire Watcher; Range Examiner; Tower Watchman; Towerman; Wildfire Mitigation Specialist; Wildfire Prevention Specialist; Wildland Fire Operations Specialist
Occupation: Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists National Median Salary: $ 54,080 Protective Service-Related Jobs: District Ranger; Environmental Protection Fire Control Officer; Fire Management Officer; Fire Management Technician; Fire Observer; Fire Operations Forester; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Technician; Fire Range Technician; Fire Ranger; Fire Technician; Fire Tower Keeper; Fire Warden; Fire Watcher; Forest Fire Control Officer; Forest Fire Officer; Forest Officer; Forest Patrolman; Forestry Patrolman; Look Out Tower Fire Watcher; Range Examiner; Tower Watchman; Towerman; Wildfire Mitigation Specialist; Wildfire Prevention Specialist; Wildland Fire Operations Specialist
Correctional Officers and Jailers $ 53,300 Booking Officer; Certified Detention Deputy; Civilian Jail Officer; Community Corrections Officer (CCO); Community Services Officer (CSO); Confinement Officer; Convict Guard; Correction Officer; Correctional Guard; Correctional Monitor; Correctional Officer; Correctional Officer Specialist; Corrections Corporal; Corrections Officer (CO); Corrections Specialist; Cottage Master; Cottage Parent; Cottage Supervisor; Custodial Officer; Deputy; Deputy Jailer; Detention Deputy; Detention Officer; Detention Specialist; Gate Guard; Gate Watchman; Guard; Jail Guard; Jail Officer; Jailer; Jailkeeper; Jailor; Juvenile Correctional Officer; Juvenile Corrections Officer; Juvenile Detention Officer; Juvenile Justice Detention Officer; Matron; Patrol Conductor; Penal Officer; Point Guard; Police Detention Attendant; Police Matron; Prison Guard; Prison Officer; Protective Services Officer (PSO); Reformatory Attendant; Security Officer; Station Jailer; Youth Corrections Officer
Occupation: Correctional Officers and Jailers National Median Salary: $ 53,300 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Booking Officer; Certified Detention Deputy; Civilian Jail Officer; Community Corrections Officer (CCO); Community Services Officer (CSO); Confinement Officer; Convict Guard; Correction Officer; Correctional Guard; Correctional Monitor; Correctional Officer; Correctional Officer Specialist; Corrections Corporal; Corrections Officer (CO); Corrections Specialist; Cottage Master; Cottage Parent; Cottage Supervisor; Custodial Officer; Deputy; Deputy Jailer; Detention Deputy; Detention Officer; Detention Specialist; Gate Guard; Gate Watchman; Guard; Jail Guard; Jail Officer; Jailer; Jailkeeper; Jailor; Juvenile Correctional Officer; Juvenile Corrections Officer; Juvenile Detention Officer; Juvenile Justice Detention Officer; Matron; Patrol Conductor; Penal Officer; Point Guard; Police Detention Attendant; Police Matron; Prison Guard; Prison Officer; Protective Services Officer (PSO); Reformatory Attendant; Security Officer; Station Jailer; Youth Corrections Officer
Bailiffs $ 53,040 Armed Bailiff; Bailiff; Bailiff Deputy; City Bailiff; County Bailiff; Court Bailiff; Court Constable; Court Deputy; Court Officer; Court Security Officer; Courtroom Deputy; Deputy Bailiff; Deputy Court Services Sheriff; District Court Bailiff; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Security Officer; Sergeant at Arms
Occupation: Bailiffs National Median Salary: $ 53,040 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Armed Bailiff; Bailiff; Bailiff Deputy; City Bailiff; County Bailiff; Court Bailiff; Court Constable; Court Deputy; Court Officer; Court Security Officer; Courtroom Deputy; Deputy Bailiff; Deputy Court Services Sheriff; District Court Bailiff; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Security Officer; Sergeant at Arms
Transportation Security Screeners $ 50,020 Airline Security Representative; Airport Baggage Screener; Airport Screener; Airport Security Screener; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Biometric Screener; Flight Security Specialist; Notification Specialist; Passenger Screener; Screener; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Screener; Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Screener; Transportation Security Administration Screener (TSA Screener); Transportation Security Officer (TSO); Transportation Security Screener
Occupation: Transportation Security Screeners National Median Salary: $ 50,020 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Airline Security Representative; Airport Baggage Screener; Airport Screener; Airport Security Screener; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Biometric Screener; Flight Security Specialist; Notification Specialist; Passenger Screener; Screener; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Screener; Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Screener; Transportation Security Administration Screener (TSA Screener); Transportation Security Officer (TSO); Transportation Security Screener
Private Detectives and Investigators $ 49,540 Alarm Investigator; AML Investigator (Anti Money Laundering Investigator); Asset Protection Detective; Background Investigator; Bonding Agent; BSA Investigator (Bank Secrecy Act Investigator); Case Investigator; Cash Shortage Investigator; Certified Legal Investigator; Contract Investigator; Detective; Detective Investigator; District Agent; Employee Relations Investigator; Field Investigator; Fraud Investigator; House Detective; House Officer; Intelligence Agent; Investigations Assistant; Investigator; Licensed Private Investigator; Loss Prevention Agent; Loss Prevention Analyst; Loss Prevention Associate; Loss Prevention Detective; Loss Prevention Investigator; Loss Prevention Officer; Principal Investigator; Private Detective; Private Eye; Private Investigator; Protection Specialist; Security Analyst; Security Consultant; Shopping Investigator; Skip Locator; Skip Tracer; Special Investigator; Store Detective; Surveillance Investigator; Undercover Agent; Undercover Operator
Occupation: Private Detectives and Investigators National Median Salary: $ 49,540 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Alarm Investigator; AML Investigator (Anti Money Laundering Investigator); Asset Protection Detective; Background Investigator; Bonding Agent; BSA Investigator (Bank Secrecy Act Investigator); Case Investigator; Cash Shortage Investigator; Certified Legal Investigator; Contract Investigator; Detective; Detective Investigator; District Agent; Employee Relations Investigator; Field Investigator; Fraud Investigator; House Detective; House Officer; Intelligence Agent; Investigations Assistant; Investigator; Licensed Private Investigator; Loss Prevention Agent; Loss Prevention Analyst; Loss Prevention Associate; Loss Prevention Detective; Loss Prevention Investigator; Loss Prevention Officer; Principal Investigator; Private Detective; Private Eye; Private Investigator; Protection Specialist; Security Analyst; Security Consultant; Shopping Investigator; Skip Locator; Skip Tracer; Special Investigator; Store Detective; Surveillance Investigator; Undercover Agent; Undercover Operator
Parking Enforcement Workers $ 46,840 Civilian Pay Technician (Civilian Pay Tech); Enforcement Safety Officer; Meter Maid; Parking Control Officer; Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO); Parking Enforcement Specialist; Parking Enforcement Technician; Parking Enforcer; Parking Manager; Parking Meter Attendant; Parking Officer; Parking Regulation Enforcement Officer; Parking Technician; Patroller; Ramp Service Employee; Ticket Writer; Traffic Control Attendant; Traffic Control Officer
Occupation: Parking Enforcement Workers National Median Salary: $ 46,840 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Civilian Pay Technician (Civilian Pay Tech); Enforcement Safety Officer; Meter Maid; Parking Control Officer; Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO); Parking Enforcement Specialist; Parking Enforcement Technician; Parking Enforcer; Parking Manager; Parking Meter Attendant; Parking Officer; Parking Regulation Enforcement Officer; Parking Technician; Patroller; Ramp Service Employee; Ticket Writer; Traffic Control Attendant; Traffic Control Officer
Animal Control Workers $ 43,170 Animal Attendant; Animal Control Officer; Animal Control Specialist; Animal Cop; Animal Cruelty Investigator; Animal Enforcement Officer; Animal Officer; Animal Ordinance Enforcement Officer; Animal Park Code Enforcement Officer; Animal Rescuer; Animal Safety Officer; Animal Services Officer; Animal Treatment Investigator; Code Enforcement Inspector; Code Enforcement Officer; Code Enforcement Specialist; Community Safety Officer; Community Service Officer; Control Officer; Dog Catcher; Dog Control Officer; Dog Pound Attendant; Dog Warden; Humane Agent; Humane Officer
Occupation: Animal Control Workers National Median Salary: $ 43,170 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Animal Attendant; Animal Control Officer; Animal Control Specialist; Animal Cop; Animal Cruelty Investigator; Animal Enforcement Officer; Animal Officer; Animal Ordinance Enforcement Officer; Animal Park Code Enforcement Officer; Animal Rescuer; Animal Safety Officer; Animal Services Officer; Animal Treatment Investigator; Code Enforcement Inspector; Code Enforcement Officer; Code Enforcement Specialist; Community Safety Officer; Community Service Officer; Control Officer; Dog Catcher; Dog Control Officer; Dog Pound Attendant; Dog Warden; Humane Agent; Humane Officer
Retail Loss Prevention Specialists $ 39,360 Asset Protection Agent; Asset Protection Associate (APA); Asset Protection Detective; Asset Protection Greeter; Asset Protection Investigator; Asset Protection Officer; Asset Protection Security Guard; Asset Protection Specialist; Loss Mitigation Specialist; Loss Prevention Agent; Loss Prevention Associate (LPA); Loss Prevention Customer Service Associate; Loss Prevention Detective; Loss Prevention Guard; Loss Prevention Investigator; Loss Prevention Officer; Loss Prevention Representative; Loss Prevention Security Ambassador; Loss Prevention Service Ambassador; Loss Prevention Service Representative; Loss Prevention Specialist; Prevention Specialist; Protection Specialist; Retail Asset Protection Specialist; Retail Loss Prevention Investigator; Retail Loss Prevention Specialist; Security Ambassador; Store Detective; Store Protection Specialist
Occupation: Retail Loss Prevention Specialists National Median Salary: $ 39,360 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Asset Protection Agent; Asset Protection Associate (APA); Asset Protection Detective; Asset Protection Greeter; Asset Protection Investigator; Asset Protection Officer; Asset Protection Security Guard; Asset Protection Specialist; Loss Mitigation Specialist; Loss Prevention Agent; Loss Prevention Associate (LPA); Loss Prevention Customer Service Associate; Loss Prevention Detective; Loss Prevention Guard; Loss Prevention Investigator; Loss Prevention Officer; Loss Prevention Representative; Loss Prevention Security Ambassador; Loss Prevention Service Ambassador; Loss Prevention Service Representative; Loss Prevention Specialist; Prevention Specialist; Protection Specialist; Retail Asset Protection Specialist; Retail Loss Prevention Investigator; Retail Loss Prevention Specialist; Security Ambassador; Store Detective; Store Protection Specialist
Gambling Surveillance Officers and Gambling Investigators $ 39,210 Casino Enforcement Agent; Casino Investigator; Casino Surveillance Officer; Dual Rate Surveillance Officer; Entertainment And Recreation Industry Surveillance Operator; Gambling Monitor; Gambling Surveillance Observer; Gambling Surveillance Officer; Gaming Inspector; Gaming Investigator; Gaming Surveillance Observer; Gaming Surveillance Officer; Investigative Specialist; Security Officer; Special Investigator; Surveillance Agent; Surveillance Inspector; Surveillance Investigator; Surveillance Monitor; Surveillance Observer; Surveillance Officer; Surveillance Operator; Surveillance System Monitor; Surveillance Technician; Video Surveillance Agent; Video Surveillance Technician
Occupation: Gambling Surveillance Officers and Gambling Investigators National Median Salary: $ 39,210 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Casino Enforcement Agent; Casino Investigator; Casino Surveillance Officer; Dual Rate Surveillance Officer; Entertainment And Recreation Industry Surveillance Operator; Gambling Monitor; Gambling Surveillance Observer; Gambling Surveillance Officer; Gaming Inspector; Gaming Investigator; Gaming Surveillance Observer; Gaming Surveillance Officer; Investigative Specialist; Security Officer; Special Investigator; Surveillance Agent; Surveillance Inspector; Surveillance Investigator; Surveillance Monitor; Surveillance Observer; Surveillance Officer; Surveillance Operator; Surveillance System Monitor; Surveillance Technician; Video Surveillance Agent; Video Surveillance Technician
Security Guards $ 37,070 Alarm Investigator; Armed Guard; Armed Security Guard; Armed Security Officer; Armored Car Driver; Armored Car Guard; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Bank Guard; Bodyguard; Bouncer; Camp Guard; Campus Security Officer (CSO); Closed Circuit Screen Watcher; Custom Protection Officer (CPO); Customer Security Clerk; Customer Service Security Officer; Door Tender; Doorshaker; Driver Guard; Elevated Guard; Flex Officer; Floorperson; Floorwalker; Gate Attendant; Gate Guard; Gate Keeper; Gate Operator; Gate Person; Gate Tender; Gate Watchman; Gateman; Government Guard; Hall Tender; Hotel Security Officer; Loss Prevention Officer; Loss Prevention Representative (Loss Prevention Rep); Maritime Guard; Merchant Patroller; Merchant Police; Package Checker; Patrol Guard; Patrol Officer; Patrolman; Plant Guard; Plant Protection Guard; Plant Protection Officer; Plant Security Guard; Police Guard; Private Security Guard; Private Watchman; Protective Officer; Retail Security Officer; Safety and Security Officer; Security Agent; Security Assistant; Security Checker; Security Guard; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Patrol Officer; Security Police; Security Screener; Ship Keeper; Special Officer; Special Police; Station Gateman; Surveillance Officer; Truck Guard; Unarmed Security Guard; Unarmed Security Officer; Watchguard; Watchman
Occupation: Security Guards National Median Salary: $ 37,070 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Alarm Investigator; Armed Guard; Armed Security Guard; Armed Security Officer; Armored Car Driver; Armored Car Guard; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Bank Guard; Bodyguard; Bouncer; Camp Guard; Campus Security Officer (CSO); Closed Circuit Screen Watcher; Custom Protection Officer (CPO); Customer Security Clerk; Customer Service Security Officer; Door Tender; Doorshaker; Driver Guard; Elevated Guard; Flex Officer; Floorperson; Floorwalker; Gate Attendant; Gate Guard; Gate Keeper; Gate Operator; Gate Person; Gate Tender; Gate Watchman; Gateman; Government Guard; Hall Tender; Hotel Security Officer; Loss Prevention Officer; Loss Prevention Representative (Loss Prevention Rep); Maritime Guard; Merchant Patroller; Merchant Police; Package Checker; Patrol Guard; Patrol Officer; Patrolman; Plant Guard; Plant Protection Guard; Plant Protection Officer; Plant Security Guard; Police Guard; Private Security Guard; Private Watchman; Protective Officer; Retail Security Officer; Safety and Security Officer; Security Agent; Security Assistant; Security Checker; Security Guard; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Patrol Officer; Security Police; Security Screener; Ship Keeper; Special Officer; Special Police; Station Gateman; Surveillance Officer; Truck Guard; Unarmed Security Guard; Unarmed Security Officer; Watchguard; Watchman
Crossing Guards and Flaggers $ 36,370 Adult Crossing Guard; Community Service Officer; Construction Site Crossing Guard; Crossing Flagman; Crossing Gateman; Crossing Guard; Crossing Tender; Crossing Watchman; Draw Tender; Flagger; Flagman; Freight Flagman; Gate Operator; Guard; Passenger Flagman; Patrol Lady; Patrol Mother; Rail Signal Worker; Road Crossing Guard; School Aide; School Crossing Guard; School Traffic Guard; Substitute Crossing Guard; Subway Guard; Traffic Attendant; Train Gate Attendant; Train Gateman
Occupation: Crossing Guards and Flaggers National Median Salary: $ 36,370 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Adult Crossing Guard; Community Service Officer; Construction Site Crossing Guard; Crossing Flagman; Crossing Gateman; Crossing Guard; Crossing Tender; Crossing Watchman; Draw Tender; Flagger; Flagman; Freight Flagman; Gate Operator; Guard; Passenger Flagman; Patrol Lady; Patrol Mother; Rail Signal Worker; Road Crossing Guard; School Aide; School Crossing Guard; School Traffic Guard; Substitute Crossing Guard; Subway Guard; Traffic Attendant; Train Gate Attendant; Train Gateman
School Bus Monitors $ 33,130 Bus Monitor; School Bus Aide; School Bus Assistant; School Bus Attendant; School Bus Escort; School Bus Matron; School Bus Monitor
Occupation: School Bus Monitors National Median Salary: $ 33,130 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Bus Monitor; School Bus Aide; School Bus Assistant; School Bus Attendant; School Bus Escort; School Bus Matron; School Bus Monitor
Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers $ 30,380 Aquatics Lifeguard; Aquatics Specialist; Beach Attendant; Beach Lifeguard; Bus Monitor; Certified Lifeguard; Certified Ski Patroller; Gamewell Operator; Life Guard; Lifeguard; Marine Safety Officer; Ocean Lifeguard; Ocean Lifeguard Specialist; OEC Tech (Outdoor Emergency Care Technician); Park Ranger; Playground Monitor; Pool Attendant; Pool Lifeguard; Ranger; Recreation Aide; Rescue Worker; Ski Patrol Paramedic; Ski Patroller; Surveillance System Monitor
Occupation: Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers National Median Salary: $ 30,380 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Aquatics Lifeguard; Aquatics Specialist; Beach Attendant; Beach Lifeguard; Bus Monitor; Certified Lifeguard; Certified Ski Patroller; Gamewell Operator; Life Guard; Lifeguard; Marine Safety Officer; Ocean Lifeguard; Ocean Lifeguard Specialist; OEC Tech (Outdoor Emergency Care Technician); Park Ranger; Playground Monitor; Pool Attendant; Pool Lifeguard; Ranger; Recreation Aide; Rescue Worker; Ski Patrol Paramedic; Ski Patroller; Surveillance System Monitor

26 Protective Service careers are listed (sorted by Education/Preparation Requirements - descending) to provide career ladders. Protective Service-related jobs specific to each career are also provided.

Education/Preparation Categories:
5 = Usually requires graduate school (e.g., Master's degree, Ph.D., M.D., or J.D.)
4 = Usually requires a four-year Bachelor's degree
3 = Usually requires vocational training, related on-the-job experience, or Associate's degree
2 = Usually requires a high school diploma
1 = May require a high school diploma or GED certificate
Please Scroll and Select below:
Occupations Education/Preparation Protective Service-Related Jobs

Intelligence Analysts 4 AI Consultant (Artificial Intelligence Consultant); All Source Intelligence Analyst; Anti-Terrorist Analyst; CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent); Competitive Intelligence Analyst; Computer Network Defense Analyst; Counterintelligence Agent; Counterintelligence Analyst; Crime Analyst (Criminal Analyst); Crime and Intelligence Analyst (Criminal and Intelligence Analyst); Crime Intelligence Analyst (Criminal Intelligence Analyst); Crime Intelligence Specialist (Criminal Intelligence Specialist); Crime Research Specialist (Criminal Research Specialist); Cyber All Source Analyst (Cybersecurity All Source Analyst); Cyber All-Source Analyst (Cybersecurity All-Source Analyst); Cyber Analyst (Cybersecurity Analyst); Cyber Defense Analyst (Cybersecurity Defense Analyst); Cyber Defense Forensics Analyst (Cybersecurity Defense Forensics Analyst); Cyber Exploitation Analyst (Cybersecurity Exploitation Analyst); Cyber Intel Analyst (Cybersecurity Intelligence Analyst); Cyber Intelligence Planner (Cybersecurity Intelligence Planner); Cyber Intelligence Specialist (Cybersecurity Intelligence Specialist); Cyber Multi-Disciplined Language Analyst (Cybersecurity Multi-Disciplined Language Analyst); Cyber Ops Specialist (Cybersecurity Operations Specialist); Cyber Target Developer (Cybersecurity Target Developer); Cyber Target Network Analyst (Cybersecurity Target Network Analyst); Cyber Threat Analyst (Cybersecurity Threat Analyst); Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst (Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Analyst); Data Intel Analyst (Data Intelligence Analyst); Defense Analyst; Intel Agent (Intelligence Agent); Intel Analyst (Intelligence Analyst); Intel Research Specialist (Intelligence Research Specialist); Intel Specialist (Intelligence Specialist); Intelligence Ops Specialist (Intelligence Operations Specialist); Investigative Intel Analysts (Investigative Intelligence Analysts); Police Crime and Intel Analyst (Police Crime and Intelligence Analyst); Surveillance Analyst; Terrorism Research Specialist; Threat Intelligence Analyst (Threat Intel Analyst)
Occupation: Intelligence Analysts Education/Preparation: 4 Protective Service-Related Jobs: AI Consultant (Artificial Intelligence Consultant); All Source Intelligence Analyst; Anti-Terrorist Analyst; CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent); Competitive Intelligence Analyst; Computer Network Defense Analyst; Counterintelligence Agent; Counterintelligence Analyst; Crime Analyst (Criminal Analyst); Crime and Intelligence Analyst (Criminal and Intelligence Analyst); Crime Intelligence Analyst (Criminal Intelligence Analyst); Crime Intelligence Specialist (Criminal Intelligence Specialist); Crime Research Specialist (Criminal Research Specialist); Cyber All Source Analyst (Cybersecurity All Source Analyst); Cyber All-Source Analyst (Cybersecurity All-Source Analyst); Cyber Analyst (Cybersecurity Analyst); Cyber Defense Analyst (Cybersecurity Defense Analyst); Cyber Defense Forensics Analyst (Cybersecurity Defense Forensics Analyst); Cyber Exploitation Analyst (Cybersecurity Exploitation Analyst); Cyber Intel Analyst (Cybersecurity Intelligence Analyst); Cyber Intelligence Planner (Cybersecurity Intelligence Planner); Cyber Intelligence Specialist (Cybersecurity Intelligence Specialist); Cyber Multi-Disciplined Language Analyst (Cybersecurity Multi-Disciplined Language Analyst); Cyber Ops Specialist (Cybersecurity Operations Specialist); Cyber Target Developer (Cybersecurity Target Developer); Cyber Target Network Analyst (Cybersecurity Target Network Analyst); Cyber Threat Analyst (Cybersecurity Threat Analyst); Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst (Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Analyst); Data Intel Analyst (Data Intelligence Analyst); Defense Analyst; Intel Agent (Intelligence Agent); Intel Analyst (Intelligence Analyst); Intel Research Specialist (Intelligence Research Specialist); Intel Specialist (Intelligence Specialist); Intelligence Ops Specialist (Intelligence Operations Specialist); Investigative Intel Analysts (Investigative Intelligence Analysts); Police Crime and Intel Analyst (Police Crime and Intelligence Analyst); Surveillance Analyst; Terrorism Research Specialist; Threat Intelligence Analyst (Threat Intel Analyst)
Fish and Game Wardens 4 Community Resource Officer; Conservation Enforcement Officer; Conservation Officer; District Resource Officer; Environmental Conservation Officer; Fish and Game Warden; Fish and Wildlife Warden; Fish Warden; Fisheries Enforcement Officer; Fishing Game Warden; Game Agent; Game and Fish Protector; Game Protector; Game Warden; Mammal Control Agent; Natural Resource Officer; Park Guard; Park Warden; Resource Officer; State Game Protector; State Game Warden; State Wildlife Officer; Warden; Wildlife and Game Protector; Wildlife Conservation Officer; Wildlife Control Agent; Wildlife Control Partner; Wildlife Enforcement Major; Wildlife Officer; Wildlife Protector; Woods Warden
Occupation: Fish and Game Wardens Education/Preparation: 4 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Community Resource Officer; Conservation Enforcement Officer; Conservation Officer; District Resource Officer; Environmental Conservation Officer; Fish and Game Warden; Fish and Wildlife Warden; Fish Warden; Fisheries Enforcement Officer; Fishing Game Warden; Game Agent; Game and Fish Protector; Game Protector; Game Warden; Mammal Control Agent; Natural Resource Officer; Park Guard; Park Warden; Resource Officer; State Game Protector; State Game Warden; State Wildlife Officer; Warden; Wildlife and Game Protector; Wildlife Conservation Officer; Wildlife Control Agent; Wildlife Control Partner; Wildlife Enforcement Major; Wildlife Officer; Wildlife Protector; Woods Warden
Bailiffs 3 Armed Bailiff; Bailiff; Bailiff Deputy; City Bailiff; County Bailiff; Court Bailiff; Court Constable; Court Deputy; Court Officer; Court Security Officer; Courtroom Deputy; Deputy Bailiff; Deputy Court Services Sheriff; District Court Bailiff; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Security Officer; Sergeant at Arms
Occupation: Bailiffs Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Armed Bailiff; Bailiff; Bailiff Deputy; City Bailiff; County Bailiff; Court Bailiff; Court Constable; Court Deputy; Court Officer; Court Security Officer; Courtroom Deputy; Deputy Bailiff; Deputy Court Services Sheriff; District Court Bailiff; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Security Officer; Sergeant at Arms
Transit and Railroad Police 3 Canine Officer (K-9 Officer); Field Training Advisor; Field Training Agent; Law Enforcement Officer; Officer; Patrol Man; Patrol Officer; Patroller; Patrolman; Police Captain; Police Specialist; Public Transit Specialist; Railroad Detective; Railroad Police; Railroad Police Officer; Railroad Safety Specialist; Railroad Watchman; Secured Entrance Monitor; Track Patrol; Track Watchman; Transit Authority Police; Transit Authority Police Officer; Transit Officer; Transit Police Officer; Transit Specialist; Transportation Officer; Transportation Sergeant; Unarmed Officer
Occupation: Transit and Railroad Police Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Canine Officer (K-9 Officer); Field Training Advisor; Field Training Agent; Law Enforcement Officer; Officer; Patrol Man; Patrol Officer; Patroller; Patrolman; Police Captain; Police Specialist; Public Transit Specialist; Railroad Detective; Railroad Police; Railroad Police Officer; Railroad Safety Specialist; Railroad Watchman; Secured Entrance Monitor; Track Patrol; Track Watchman; Transit Authority Police; Transit Authority Police Officer; Transit Officer; Transit Police Officer; Transit Specialist; Transportation Officer; Transportation Sergeant; Unarmed Officer
Private Detectives and Investigators 3 Alarm Investigator; AML Investigator (Anti Money Laundering Investigator); Asset Protection Detective; Background Investigator; Bonding Agent; BSA Investigator (Bank Secrecy Act Investigator); Case Investigator; Cash Shortage Investigator; Certified Legal Investigator; Contract Investigator; Detective; Detective Investigator; District Agent; Employee Relations Investigator; Field Investigator; Fraud Investigator; House Detective; House Officer; Intelligence Agent; Investigations Assistant; Investigator; Licensed Private Investigator; Loss Prevention Agent; Loss Prevention Analyst; Loss Prevention Associate; Loss Prevention Detective; Loss Prevention Investigator; Loss Prevention Officer; Principal Investigator; Private Detective; Private Eye; Private Investigator; Protection Specialist; Security Analyst; Security Consultant; Shopping Investigator; Skip Locator; Skip Tracer; Special Investigator; Store Detective; Surveillance Investigator; Undercover Agent; Undercover Operator
Occupation: Private Detectives and Investigators Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Alarm Investigator; AML Investigator (Anti Money Laundering Investigator); Asset Protection Detective; Background Investigator; Bonding Agent; BSA Investigator (Bank Secrecy Act Investigator); Case Investigator; Cash Shortage Investigator; Certified Legal Investigator; Contract Investigator; Detective; Detective Investigator; District Agent; Employee Relations Investigator; Field Investigator; Fraud Investigator; House Detective; House Officer; Intelligence Agent; Investigations Assistant; Investigator; Licensed Private Investigator; Loss Prevention Agent; Loss Prevention Analyst; Loss Prevention Associate; Loss Prevention Detective; Loss Prevention Investigator; Loss Prevention Officer; Principal Investigator; Private Detective; Private Eye; Private Investigator; Protection Specialist; Security Analyst; Security Consultant; Shopping Investigator; Skip Locator; Skip Tracer; Special Investigator; Store Detective; Surveillance Investigator; Undercover Agent; Undercover Operator
Police Identification and Records Officers 3 Accident Examiner; Accident Investigator; Accident Reconstructionist; Community Service Officer; Computer Forensic Examiner; Computer Forensic Specialist; Corrections Identification Technician; Crime Lab Analyst (Crime Laboratory Analyst); Crime Scene Evidence Technician; Crime Scene Examiner; Crime Scene Investigator; Crime Scene Specialist; Crime Scene Technician; Crime Victim Specialist; Criminal Identification Coordination Specialist; Criminal Records Technician; Criminal Specialist; Criminalist; Cyber Forensic Specialist; Evidence Custodian; Evidence Technician; Field Evidence Technician; Field Identification Specialist; Fingerprint Classifier; Forensic Identification Specialist; Forensic Science Examiner; Forensic Scientist; Forensic Sergeant; Forensic Specialist; Forensic Technician; Identification Officer; Identification Technician; Investigative Police Specialist; Latent Fingerprint Examiner; Latent Print Examiner; Parts Identification Technician; Police Crime Scene Technician; Police Evidence Specialist; Site Identification Specialist
Occupation: Police Identification and Records Officers Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Accident Examiner; Accident Investigator; Accident Reconstructionist; Community Service Officer; Computer Forensic Examiner; Computer Forensic Specialist; Corrections Identification Technician; Crime Lab Analyst (Crime Laboratory Analyst); Crime Scene Evidence Technician; Crime Scene Examiner; Crime Scene Investigator; Crime Scene Specialist; Crime Scene Technician; Crime Victim Specialist; Criminal Identification Coordination Specialist; Criminal Records Technician; Criminal Specialist; Criminalist; Cyber Forensic Specialist; Evidence Custodian; Evidence Technician; Field Evidence Technician; Field Identification Specialist; Fingerprint Classifier; Forensic Identification Specialist; Forensic Science Examiner; Forensic Scientist; Forensic Sergeant; Forensic Specialist; Forensic Technician; Identification Officer; Identification Technician; Investigative Police Specialist; Latent Fingerprint Examiner; Latent Print Examiner; Parts Identification Technician; Police Crime Scene Technician; Police Evidence Specialist; Site Identification Specialist
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers 3 Accident Prevention Squad Police Officer; Alcohol Law Enforcement Agent (ALE Agent); Animal Cop; Border Guard; Border Patrol Agent; Border Patrol Officer; Campus Police Officer; Canine Deputy (K-9 Deputy); Canine Handler (K-9 Handler); Canine Police Officer (K-9 Police Officer); Certified Police Officer; City Constable; City Marshal; Civil Division Deputy Sheriff; Civil Process Server; Community Service Officer (CSO); Community Service Patrol Officer; Complaint Evaluation Officer; Constable; Cop; County Sheriff; Court Security Deputy Sheriff; Crime Prevention Police Officer; Custody Deputy Sheriff; Customs Patrol Officer; Deputy; Deputy Certified Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff Generalist; Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant; Desk Officer; Drug Abuse Resistance Education Officer (DARE Officer); Drug Enforcement Agent; Enforcement Officer; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Highway Patrol Officer; Highway Patrol Pilot; Immigration Guard; Lateral Police Officer; Law Enforcement Officer; Marshal; Military Police Officer; Motorcycle Police; Mounted Police; Officer; Park Police; Patrol Deputy; Patrol Deputy Sheriff; Patrol Driver; Patrol Officer; Patrol Park Officer; Patrolman; Peace Officer; Physical Security Specialist; Police Booking Officer; Police Corporal; Police Inspector; Police Officer; Police Park Officer; Police Patrol Officer; Police Recruit; Police Worker; Policeman; Policewoman; Protective Officer; Protective Service Specialist; Public Safety Officer; Road Deputy; Safety Instruction Police Officer; Safety Patrol Officer; School Resource Officer (SRO); Security Specialist; Sheriff Department Corporal; Special Deputy; Special Deputy Sheriff; Special Police Officer; State Highway Police Officer; State Patrol Officer; State Trooper; SWAT Team Member (Special Weapons and Tactics Team Member); Trooper; Under Sheriff; Uniform Patrol Police Officer; University Police Officer; Working Dog Handler
Occupation: Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Accident Prevention Squad Police Officer; Alcohol Law Enforcement Agent (ALE Agent); Animal Cop; Border Guard; Border Patrol Agent; Border Patrol Officer; Campus Police Officer; Canine Deputy (K-9 Deputy); Canine Handler (K-9 Handler); Canine Police Officer (K-9 Police Officer); Certified Police Officer; City Constable; City Marshal; Civil Division Deputy Sheriff; Civil Process Server; Community Service Officer (CSO); Community Service Patrol Officer; Complaint Evaluation Officer; Constable; Cop; County Sheriff; Court Security Deputy Sheriff; Crime Prevention Police Officer; Custody Deputy Sheriff; Customs Patrol Officer; Deputy; Deputy Certified Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff Generalist; Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant; Desk Officer; Drug Abuse Resistance Education Officer (DARE Officer); Drug Enforcement Agent; Enforcement Officer; Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff; Highway Patrol Officer; Highway Patrol Pilot; Immigration Guard; Lateral Police Officer; Law Enforcement Officer; Marshal; Military Police Officer; Motorcycle Police; Mounted Police; Officer; Park Police; Patrol Deputy; Patrol Deputy Sheriff; Patrol Driver; Patrol Officer; Patrol Park Officer; Patrolman; Peace Officer; Physical Security Specialist; Police Booking Officer; Police Corporal; Police Inspector; Police Officer; Police Park Officer; Police Patrol Officer; Police Recruit; Police Worker; Policeman; Policewoman; Protective Officer; Protective Service Specialist; Public Safety Officer; Road Deputy; Safety Instruction Police Officer; Safety Patrol Officer; School Resource Officer (SRO); Security Specialist; Sheriff Department Corporal; Special Deputy; Special Deputy Sheriff; Special Police Officer; State Highway Police Officer; State Patrol Officer; State Trooper; SWAT Team Member (Special Weapons and Tactics Team Member); Trooper; Under Sheriff; Uniform Patrol Police Officer; University Police Officer; Working Dog Handler
Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists 3 District Ranger; Environmental Protection Fire Control Officer; Fire Management Officer; Fire Management Technician; Fire Observer; Fire Operations Forester; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Technician; Fire Range Technician; Fire Ranger; Fire Technician; Fire Tower Keeper; Fire Warden; Fire Watcher; Forest Fire Control Officer; Forest Fire Officer; Forest Officer; Forest Patrolman; Forestry Patrolman; Look Out Tower Fire Watcher; Range Examiner; Tower Watchman; Towerman; Wildfire Mitigation Specialist; Wildfire Prevention Specialist; Wildland Fire Operations Specialist
Occupation: Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: District Ranger; Environmental Protection Fire Control Officer; Fire Management Officer; Fire Management Technician; Fire Observer; Fire Operations Forester; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Technician; Fire Range Technician; Fire Ranger; Fire Technician; Fire Tower Keeper; Fire Warden; Fire Watcher; Forest Fire Control Officer; Forest Fire Officer; Forest Officer; Forest Patrolman; Forestry Patrolman; Look Out Tower Fire Watcher; Range Examiner; Tower Watchman; Towerman; Wildfire Mitigation Specialist; Wildfire Prevention Specialist; Wildland Fire Operations Specialist
First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers 3 Battalion Chief; Captain; Chief; Crew Boss; Crew Chief; Damage Prevention Coordinator; Deputy Fire Marshal; District Fire Management Officer; Engine Boss; Engine Captain; Fire Battalion Chief; Fire Captain; Fire Chief; Fire Coordinator; Fire Department Battalion Chief; Fire Department Captain; Fire Lieutenant; Fire Marshal; Fire Prevention Bureau Captain; Fire Prevention Captain; Fire Prevention Chief; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Supervisor; Fire Suppression Captain; Forest Fire Management Officer; Forest Fire Specialist Supervisor; Hotshot Superintendent; Incident Commander; Lieutenant; Lieutenant Firefighter; Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisor; Operations Chief; Prevention Coordinator; Section Forest Fire Warden; Shift Commander; Single Resource Boss; Smoke Jumper Supervisor; Squad Boss; State Fire Marshal; Supervising Fire Marshal; Supervisory Forester
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Battalion Chief; Captain; Chief; Crew Boss; Crew Chief; Damage Prevention Coordinator; Deputy Fire Marshal; District Fire Management Officer; Engine Boss; Engine Captain; Fire Battalion Chief; Fire Captain; Fire Chief; Fire Coordinator; Fire Department Battalion Chief; Fire Department Captain; Fire Lieutenant; Fire Marshal; Fire Prevention Bureau Captain; Fire Prevention Captain; Fire Prevention Chief; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Supervisor; Fire Suppression Captain; Forest Fire Management Officer; Forest Fire Specialist Supervisor; Hotshot Superintendent; Incident Commander; Lieutenant; Lieutenant Firefighter; Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisor; Operations Chief; Prevention Coordinator; Section Forest Fire Warden; Shift Commander; Single Resource Boss; Smoke Jumper Supervisor; Squad Boss; State Fire Marshal; Supervising Fire Marshal; Supervisory Forester
Firefighters 3 Airport Firefighter; Apparatus Operator; Crash Fire Firefighter; Fire Alarm Operator; Fire Apparatus Engineer; Fire Engine Pump Operator; Fire Engineer; Fire Equipment Operator; Fire Fighter; Fire Hydrant Operator; Fire Management Specialist; Fire Medic; Fire Suppression Technician; Fire Technician (Fire Tech); Fireboat Operator; Firefighter; Firefighter Diver; Firefighter Paramedic; Fireman; Forest Fire Suppression Specialist; Forest Firefighter; Forestry Fire Technician (Forestry Fire Tech); Hot Shot; Ladder Operator; Ladderman; Marine Firefighter; Municipal Firefighter; Oil Fire Specialist; On-Scene Supporter; Plugman; Rescue Worker; Smoke Chaser; Smoke Eater; Smoke Jumper; Tail Board Man; Tail Board Worker; Tiller Man; Tiller Worker; Volunteer Firefighter; Water and Fire Technician (Water and Fire Tech); Wildland Firefighter; Wildland Firefighter Specialist; Wildland Specialist Firefighter
Occupation: Firefighters Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Airport Firefighter; Apparatus Operator; Crash Fire Firefighter; Fire Alarm Operator; Fire Apparatus Engineer; Fire Engine Pump Operator; Fire Engineer; Fire Equipment Operator; Fire Fighter; Fire Hydrant Operator; Fire Management Specialist; Fire Medic; Fire Suppression Technician; Fire Technician (Fire Tech); Fireboat Operator; Firefighter; Firefighter Diver; Firefighter Paramedic; Fireman; Forest Fire Suppression Specialist; Forest Firefighter; Forestry Fire Technician (Forestry Fire Tech); Hot Shot; Ladder Operator; Ladderman; Marine Firefighter; Municipal Firefighter; Oil Fire Specialist; On-Scene Supporter; Plugman; Rescue Worker; Smoke Chaser; Smoke Eater; Smoke Jumper; Tail Board Man; Tail Board Worker; Tiller Man; Tiller Worker; Volunteer Firefighter; Water and Fire Technician (Water and Fire Tech); Wildland Firefighter; Wildland Firefighter Specialist; Wildland Specialist Firefighter
Fire Inspectors and Investigators 3 Alarm Inspector; Alarm Sprinkler Inspector; Arson and Bomb Investigator; Arson Investigator; Bomb Investigator; Building Inspector; Canine Handler (K9 Handler); Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI); Certified Fire Investigator (CFI); Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI); Code Official; Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Alarm Inspector; Fire and Explosion Investigator; Fire Code Inspector; Fire Equipment Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Technician (Fire Extinguisher Tech); Fire Hazard Inspector; Fire Inspector; Fire Investigator; Fire Marshall; Fire Official; Fire Prevention Inspector; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Specialist; Fire Protection Fabricator; Fire Protection Inspector; Fire Protection Specialist; Fire Safety Inspector; Fire Safety Specialist; Fire Sprinkler Apparatus Inspector; Fire Sprinkler Foreman; Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Systems Inspector; Inspector; Smoke Inspector; Sprinkler Inspector
Occupation: Fire Inspectors and Investigators Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Alarm Inspector; Alarm Sprinkler Inspector; Arson and Bomb Investigator; Arson Investigator; Bomb Investigator; Building Inspector; Canine Handler (K9 Handler); Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI); Certified Fire Investigator (CFI); Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI); Code Official; Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Alarm Inspector; Fire and Explosion Investigator; Fire Code Inspector; Fire Equipment Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Extinguisher Technician (Fire Extinguisher Tech); Fire Hazard Inspector; Fire Inspector; Fire Investigator; Fire Marshall; Fire Official; Fire Prevention Inspector; Fire Prevention Officer; Fire Prevention Specialist; Fire Protection Fabricator; Fire Protection Inspector; Fire Protection Specialist; Fire Safety Inspector; Fire Safety Specialist; Fire Sprinkler Apparatus Inspector; Fire Sprinkler Foreman; Fire Sprinkler Inspector; Fire Systems Inspector; Inspector; Smoke Inspector; Sprinkler Inspector
Detectives and Criminal Investigators 3 Air Marshal; Burglary Investigator; Child Support Agent; Child Support Investigator; Child Support Officer; CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent); City Detective; Counter Intelligence Agent; Crime Analyst; Crime Investigator Special Agent; Crime Scene Investigator (CSI); Criminal Analyst; Criminal Investigations Agent; Criminal Investigative Agent; Criminal Investigator; Criminal Investigator Special Agent; Criminal Profiler; Criminalist; Cyber Special Agent; Cybercrimes Investigator; Deputy United States Marshal (Deputy US Marshal); Detective; Drug Enforcement Administration Agent (DEA AGENT); Enforcement Agent; FBI Field Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Field Agent); FBI Investigator (Federal Bureau of Investigation Investigator); FBI Profiler (Federal Bureau of Investigation Profiler); FBI Sharpshooter (Federal Bureau of Investigation Sharpshooter); FBI Special Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent); Federal Air Marshal; Financial Crimes Analyst; Fugitive Detective; Fugitive Investigator; Gang Investigator; Homicide Detective; Homicide Investigator; Identification Officer; Intelligence Officer; Internal Affairs Investigator; Investigation Officer; Investigative Analyst; Investigator; Law Enforcement Specialist; Major Case Detective; Master Police Detective; Missing Persons Investigator; Narcotics Agent; Narcotics Detective; Narcotics Investigator; Police Detective; Police Inspector; Police Investigator; Secret Service Agent; Sex Crimes Detective; Special Agent; Special Crimes Investigator; Special Inspector; Spy; State Trooper; Station Detective; Undercover Cop; United States Marshal (US Marshal); Vice Detective; Vice Investigator; Victim Liaison; Violent Crimes Detective
Occupation: Detectives and Criminal Investigators Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Air Marshal; Burglary Investigator; Child Support Agent; Child Support Investigator; Child Support Officer; CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent); City Detective; Counter Intelligence Agent; Crime Analyst; Crime Investigator Special Agent; Crime Scene Investigator (CSI); Criminal Analyst; Criminal Investigations Agent; Criminal Investigative Agent; Criminal Investigator; Criminal Investigator Special Agent; Criminal Profiler; Criminalist; Cyber Special Agent; Cybercrimes Investigator; Deputy United States Marshal (Deputy US Marshal); Detective; Drug Enforcement Administration Agent (DEA AGENT); Enforcement Agent; FBI Field Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Field Agent); FBI Investigator (Federal Bureau of Investigation Investigator); FBI Profiler (Federal Bureau of Investigation Profiler); FBI Sharpshooter (Federal Bureau of Investigation Sharpshooter); FBI Special Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent); Federal Air Marshal; Financial Crimes Analyst; Fugitive Detective; Fugitive Investigator; Gang Investigator; Homicide Detective; Homicide Investigator; Identification Officer; Intelligence Officer; Internal Affairs Investigator; Investigation Officer; Investigative Analyst; Investigator; Law Enforcement Specialist; Major Case Detective; Master Police Detective; Missing Persons Investigator; Narcotics Agent; Narcotics Detective; Narcotics Investigator; Police Detective; Police Inspector; Police Investigator; Secret Service Agent; Sex Crimes Detective; Special Agent; Special Crimes Investigator; Special Inspector; Spy; State Trooper; Station Detective; Undercover Cop; United States Marshal (US Marshal); Vice Detective; Vice Investigator; Victim Liaison; Violent Crimes Detective
First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers 3 Correction Officer Supervisor; Correction Warden; Correctional Case Records Supervisor; Correctional Officer Captain; Correctional Supervisor; Detention Director; Detention Supervisor; Guard Chief; Guard Supervisor; Juvenile Justice Supervisor; Prison Guard Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Ward Supervisor
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Correction Officer Supervisor; Correction Warden; Correctional Case Records Supervisor; Correctional Officer Captain; Correctional Supervisor; Detention Director; Detention Supervisor; Guard Chief; Guard Supervisor; Juvenile Justice Supervisor; Prison Guard Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Ward Supervisor
Customs and Border Protection Officers 3 Agriculture Specialist; Air Import Specialist; Border Patrol Agent; Canine Enforcement Officer (K-9 Enforcement Officer); Customs and Border Patrol Agent; Customs Import Specialist; Customs Inspector; Customs Officer; Customs Opener; Customs Packer; Customs Specialist; Customs Verifier; Deportation Officer; Drug Enforcement Agent; Drug Inspector; Duty Officer; Immigration Services Officer; Import Specialist; Marine Interdiction Agent (MIA); Ocean Import Specialist; Patrol Inspector; Special Agent; US Customs and Border Officer; US Customs and Border Protection Officer (US CBPO)
Occupation: Customs and Border Protection Officers Education/Preparation: 3 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Agriculture Specialist; Air Import Specialist; Border Patrol Agent; Canine Enforcement Officer (K-9 Enforcement Officer); Customs and Border Patrol Agent; Customs Import Specialist; Customs Inspector; Customs Officer; Customs Opener; Customs Packer; Customs Specialist; Customs Verifier; Deportation Officer; Drug Enforcement Agent; Drug Inspector; Duty Officer; Immigration Services Officer; Import Specialist; Marine Interdiction Agent (MIA); Ocean Import Specialist; Patrol Inspector; Special Agent; US Customs and Border Officer; US Customs and Border Protection Officer (US CBPO)
Parking Enforcement Workers 2 Civilian Pay Technician (Civilian Pay Tech); Enforcement Safety Officer; Meter Maid; Parking Control Officer; Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO); Parking Enforcement Specialist; Parking Enforcement Technician; Parking Enforcer; Parking Manager; Parking Meter Attendant; Parking Officer; Parking Regulation Enforcement Officer; Parking Technician; Patroller; Ramp Service Employee; Ticket Writer; Traffic Control Attendant; Traffic Control Officer
Occupation: Parking Enforcement Workers Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Civilian Pay Technician (Civilian Pay Tech); Enforcement Safety Officer; Meter Maid; Parking Control Officer; Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO); Parking Enforcement Specialist; Parking Enforcement Technician; Parking Enforcer; Parking Manager; Parking Meter Attendant; Parking Officer; Parking Regulation Enforcement Officer; Parking Technician; Patroller; Ramp Service Employee; Ticket Writer; Traffic Control Attendant; Traffic Control Officer
Transportation Security Screeners 2 Airline Security Representative; Airport Baggage Screener; Airport Screener; Airport Security Screener; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Biometric Screener; Flight Security Specialist; Notification Specialist; Passenger Screener; Screener; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Screener; Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Screener; Transportation Security Administration Screener (TSA Screener); Transportation Security Officer (TSO); Transportation Security Screener
Occupation: Transportation Security Screeners Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Airline Security Representative; Airport Baggage Screener; Airport Screener; Airport Security Screener; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Biometric Screener; Flight Security Specialist; Notification Specialist; Passenger Screener; Screener; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Screener; Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Screener; Transportation Security Administration Screener (TSA Screener); Transportation Security Officer (TSO); Transportation Security Screener
Animal Control Workers 2 Animal Attendant; Animal Control Officer; Animal Control Specialist; Animal Cop; Animal Cruelty Investigator; Animal Enforcement Officer; Animal Officer; Animal Ordinance Enforcement Officer; Animal Park Code Enforcement Officer; Animal Rescuer; Animal Safety Officer; Animal Services Officer; Animal Treatment Investigator; Code Enforcement Inspector; Code Enforcement Officer; Code Enforcement Specialist; Community Safety Officer; Community Service Officer; Control Officer; Dog Catcher; Dog Control Officer; Dog Pound Attendant; Dog Warden; Humane Agent; Humane Officer
Occupation: Animal Control Workers Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Animal Attendant; Animal Control Officer; Animal Control Specialist; Animal Cop; Animal Cruelty Investigator; Animal Enforcement Officer; Animal Officer; Animal Ordinance Enforcement Officer; Animal Park Code Enforcement Officer; Animal Rescuer; Animal Safety Officer; Animal Services Officer; Animal Treatment Investigator; Code Enforcement Inspector; Code Enforcement Officer; Code Enforcement Specialist; Community Safety Officer; Community Service Officer; Control Officer; Dog Catcher; Dog Control Officer; Dog Pound Attendant; Dog Warden; Humane Agent; Humane Officer
Security Guards 2 Alarm Investigator; Armed Guard; Armed Security Guard; Armed Security Officer; Armored Car Driver; Armored Car Guard; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Bank Guard; Bodyguard; Bouncer; Camp Guard; Campus Security Officer (CSO); Closed Circuit Screen Watcher; Custom Protection Officer (CPO); Customer Security Clerk; Customer Service Security Officer; Door Tender; Doorshaker; Driver Guard; Elevated Guard; Flex Officer; Floorperson; Floorwalker; Gate Attendant; Gate Guard; Gate Keeper; Gate Operator; Gate Person; Gate Tender; Gate Watchman; Gateman; Government Guard; Hall Tender; Hotel Security Officer; Loss Prevention Officer; Loss Prevention Representative (Loss Prevention Rep); Maritime Guard; Merchant Patroller; Merchant Police; Package Checker; Patrol Guard; Patrol Officer; Patrolman; Plant Guard; Plant Protection Guard; Plant Protection Officer; Plant Security Guard; Police Guard; Private Security Guard; Private Watchman; Protective Officer; Retail Security Officer; Safety and Security Officer; Security Agent; Security Assistant; Security Checker; Security Guard; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Patrol Officer; Security Police; Security Screener; Ship Keeper; Special Officer; Special Police; Station Gateman; Surveillance Officer; Truck Guard; Unarmed Security Guard; Unarmed Security Officer; Watchguard; Watchman
Occupation: Security Guards Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Alarm Investigator; Armed Guard; Armed Security Guard; Armed Security Officer; Armored Car Driver; Armored Car Guard; Bag Checker; Baggage Inspector; Baggage Screener; Baggage Security Checker; Bank Guard; Bodyguard; Bouncer; Camp Guard; Campus Security Officer (CSO); Closed Circuit Screen Watcher; Custom Protection Officer (CPO); Customer Security Clerk; Customer Service Security Officer; Door Tender; Doorshaker; Driver Guard; Elevated Guard; Flex Officer; Floorperson; Floorwalker; Gate Attendant; Gate Guard; Gate Keeper; Gate Operator; Gate Person; Gate Tender; Gate Watchman; Gateman; Government Guard; Hall Tender; Hotel Security Officer; Loss Prevention Officer; Loss Prevention Representative (Loss Prevention Rep); Maritime Guard; Merchant Patroller; Merchant Police; Package Checker; Patrol Guard; Patrol Officer; Patrolman; Plant Guard; Plant Protection Guard; Plant Protection Officer; Plant Security Guard; Police Guard; Private Security Guard; Private Watchman; Protective Officer; Retail Security Officer; Safety and Security Officer; Security Agent; Security Assistant; Security Checker; Security Guard; Security Inspector; Security Officer; Security Patrol Officer; Security Police; Security Screener; Ship Keeper; Special Officer; Special Police; Station Gateman; Surveillance Officer; Truck Guard; Unarmed Security Guard; Unarmed Security Officer; Watchguard; Watchman
School Bus Monitors 2 Bus Monitor; School Bus Aide; School Bus Assistant; School Bus Attendant; School Bus Escort; School Bus Matron; School Bus Monitor
Occupation: School Bus Monitors Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Bus Monitor; School Bus Aide; School Bus Assistant; School Bus Attendant; School Bus Escort; School Bus Matron; School Bus Monitor
Retail Loss Prevention Specialists 2 Asset Protection Agent; Asset Protection Associate (APA); Asset Protection Detective; Asset Protection Greeter; Asset Protection Investigator; Asset Protection Officer; Asset Protection Security Guard; Asset Protection Specialist; Loss Mitigation Specialist; Loss Prevention Agent; Loss Prevention Associate (LPA); Loss Prevention Customer Service Associate; Loss Prevention Detective; Loss Prevention Guard; Loss Prevention Investigator; Loss Prevention Officer; Loss Prevention Representative; Loss Prevention Security Ambassador; Loss Prevention Service Ambassador; Loss Prevention Service Representative; Loss Prevention Specialist; Prevention Specialist; Protection Specialist; Retail Asset Protection Specialist; Retail Loss Prevention Investigator; Retail Loss Prevention Specialist; Security Ambassador; Store Detective; Store Protection Specialist
Occupation: Retail Loss Prevention Specialists Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Asset Protection Agent; Asset Protection Associate (APA); Asset Protection Detective; Asset Protection Greeter; Asset Protection Investigator; Asset Protection Officer; Asset Protection Security Guard; Asset Protection Specialist; Loss Mitigation Specialist; Loss Prevention Agent; Loss Prevention Associate (LPA); Loss Prevention Customer Service Associate; Loss Prevention Detective; Loss Prevention Guard; Loss Prevention Investigator; Loss Prevention Officer; Loss Prevention Representative; Loss Prevention Security Ambassador; Loss Prevention Service Ambassador; Loss Prevention Service Representative; Loss Prevention Specialist; Prevention Specialist; Protection Specialist; Retail Asset Protection Specialist; Retail Loss Prevention Investigator; Retail Loss Prevention Specialist; Security Ambassador; Store Detective; Store Protection Specialist
Correctional Officers and Jailers 2 Booking Officer; Certified Detention Deputy; Civilian Jail Officer; Community Corrections Officer (CCO); Community Services Officer (CSO); Confinement Officer; Convict Guard; Correction Officer; Correctional Guard; Correctional Monitor; Correctional Officer; Correctional Officer Specialist; Corrections Corporal; Corrections Officer (CO); Corrections Specialist; Cottage Master; Cottage Parent; Cottage Supervisor; Custodial Officer; Deputy; Deputy Jailer; Detention Deputy; Detention Officer; Detention Specialist; Gate Guard; Gate Watchman; Guard; Jail Guard; Jail Officer; Jailer; Jailkeeper; Jailor; Juvenile Correctional Officer; Juvenile Corrections Officer; Juvenile Detention Officer; Juvenile Justice Detention Officer; Matron; Patrol Conductor; Penal Officer; Point Guard; Police Detention Attendant; Police Matron; Prison Guard; Prison Officer; Protective Services Officer (PSO); Reformatory Attendant; Security Officer; Station Jailer; Youth Corrections Officer
Occupation: Correctional Officers and Jailers Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Booking Officer; Certified Detention Deputy; Civilian Jail Officer; Community Corrections Officer (CCO); Community Services Officer (CSO); Confinement Officer; Convict Guard; Correction Officer; Correctional Guard; Correctional Monitor; Correctional Officer; Correctional Officer Specialist; Corrections Corporal; Corrections Officer (CO); Corrections Specialist; Cottage Master; Cottage Parent; Cottage Supervisor; Custodial Officer; Deputy; Deputy Jailer; Detention Deputy; Detention Officer; Detention Specialist; Gate Guard; Gate Watchman; Guard; Jail Guard; Jail Officer; Jailer; Jailkeeper; Jailor; Juvenile Correctional Officer; Juvenile Corrections Officer; Juvenile Detention Officer; Juvenile Justice Detention Officer; Matron; Patrol Conductor; Penal Officer; Point Guard; Police Detention Attendant; Police Matron; Prison Guard; Prison Officer; Protective Services Officer (PSO); Reformatory Attendant; Security Officer; Station Jailer; Youth Corrections Officer
Crossing Guards and Flaggers 2 Adult Crossing Guard; Community Service Officer; Construction Site Crossing Guard; Crossing Flagman; Crossing Gateman; Crossing Guard; Crossing Tender; Crossing Watchman; Draw Tender; Flagger; Flagman; Freight Flagman; Gate Operator; Guard; Passenger Flagman; Patrol Lady; Patrol Mother; Rail Signal Worker; Road Crossing Guard; School Aide; School Crossing Guard; School Traffic Guard; Substitute Crossing Guard; Subway Guard; Traffic Attendant; Train Gate Attendant; Train Gateman
Occupation: Crossing Guards and Flaggers Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Adult Crossing Guard; Community Service Officer; Construction Site Crossing Guard; Crossing Flagman; Crossing Gateman; Crossing Guard; Crossing Tender; Crossing Watchman; Draw Tender; Flagger; Flagman; Freight Flagman; Gate Operator; Guard; Passenger Flagman; Patrol Lady; Patrol Mother; Rail Signal Worker; Road Crossing Guard; School Aide; School Crossing Guard; School Traffic Guard; Substitute Crossing Guard; Subway Guard; Traffic Attendant; Train Gate Attendant; Train Gateman
Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers 2 Aquatics Lifeguard; Aquatics Specialist; Beach Attendant; Beach Lifeguard; Bus Monitor; Certified Lifeguard; Certified Ski Patroller; Gamewell Operator; Life Guard; Lifeguard; Marine Safety Officer; Ocean Lifeguard; Ocean Lifeguard Specialist; OEC Tech (Outdoor Emergency Care Technician); Park Ranger; Playground Monitor; Pool Attendant; Pool Lifeguard; Ranger; Recreation Aide; Rescue Worker; Ski Patrol Paramedic; Ski Patroller; Surveillance System Monitor
Occupation: Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Aquatics Lifeguard; Aquatics Specialist; Beach Attendant; Beach Lifeguard; Bus Monitor; Certified Lifeguard; Certified Ski Patroller; Gamewell Operator; Life Guard; Lifeguard; Marine Safety Officer; Ocean Lifeguard; Ocean Lifeguard Specialist; OEC Tech (Outdoor Emergency Care Technician); Park Ranger; Playground Monitor; Pool Attendant; Pool Lifeguard; Ranger; Recreation Aide; Rescue Worker; Ski Patrol Paramedic; Ski Patroller; Surveillance System Monitor
Gambling Surveillance Officers and Gambling Investigators 2 Casino Enforcement Agent; Casino Investigator; Casino Surveillance Officer; Dual Rate Surveillance Officer; Entertainment And Recreation Industry Surveillance Operator; Gambling Monitor; Gambling Surveillance Observer; Gambling Surveillance Officer; Gaming Inspector; Gaming Investigator; Gaming Surveillance Observer; Gaming Surveillance Officer; Investigative Specialist; Security Officer; Special Investigator; Surveillance Agent; Surveillance Inspector; Surveillance Investigator; Surveillance Monitor; Surveillance Observer; Surveillance Officer; Surveillance Operator; Surveillance System Monitor; Surveillance Technician; Video Surveillance Agent; Video Surveillance Technician
Occupation: Gambling Surveillance Officers and Gambling Investigators Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Casino Enforcement Agent; Casino Investigator; Casino Surveillance Officer; Dual Rate Surveillance Officer; Entertainment And Recreation Industry Surveillance Operator; Gambling Monitor; Gambling Surveillance Observer; Gambling Surveillance Officer; Gaming Inspector; Gaming Investigator; Gaming Surveillance Observer; Gaming Surveillance Officer; Investigative Specialist; Security Officer; Special Investigator; Surveillance Agent; Surveillance Inspector; Surveillance Investigator; Surveillance Monitor; Surveillance Observer; Surveillance Officer; Surveillance Operator; Surveillance System Monitor; Surveillance Technician; Video Surveillance Agent; Video Surveillance Technician
First-Line Supervisors of Security Workers 2 Armed Site Supervisor; First-line Supervisor of Security Workers; Guard Captain; Guard Chief; Guard Supervisor; Internal Security Manager; Officer Sergeant; Protection Supervisor; Safety Supervisor; Security Chief; Security Department Supervisor; Security Director; Security Field Supervisor; Security Floor Supervisor; Security Guard Supervisor; Security Manager; Security Officer Supervisor; Security Shift Supervisor; Security Site Supervisor; Security Supervisor; TSA Screener Supervisor (Transportation Security Administration Screener Supervisor)
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Security Workers Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Armed Site Supervisor; First-line Supervisor of Security Workers; Guard Captain; Guard Chief; Guard Supervisor; Internal Security Manager; Officer Sergeant; Protection Supervisor; Safety Supervisor; Security Chief; Security Department Supervisor; Security Director; Security Field Supervisor; Security Floor Supervisor; Security Guard Supervisor; Security Manager; Security Officer Supervisor; Security Shift Supervisor; Security Site Supervisor; Security Supervisor; TSA Screener Supervisor (Transportation Security Administration Screener Supervisor)
First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives 2 Captain; Chief Deputy; Community Relations Police Lieutenant; Deputy Chief Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Desk Sergeant; Detective Chief; Detective Lieutenant; Detective Sergeant; Detective Supervisor; Harbor Patrol Chief; Harbor Police Launch Commander; Homicide Squad Commanding Officer (Homicide Squad CO); Identification and Communications Supervisor; Identification and Records Commander; Investigation Division Commanding Officer (Investigation Division CO); Lieutenant; Motorized Squad Commanding Officer (Motorized Squad CO); Patrol Captain; Patrol Commander; Patrol Police Sergeant; Patrol Sergeant; Police Captain; Police Chief; Police Chief Deputy; Police Commanding Officer (Police CO); Police Deputy Chief; Police Lieutenant; Police Patrol Lieutenant; Police Reserves Commander; Police Sergeant; Police Shift Commander; Police Superintendent; Police Supervisor; Port Warden; Post Commander; Precinct Captain; Precinct Commanding Officer (Precinct CO); Precinct Police Captain; Precinct Police Lieutenant; Precinct Police Sergeant; Safety Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Traffic Division Commanding Officer (Traffic Division CO); Traffic Lieutenant; Traffic Sergeant; Traffic Supervisor; Uniform Force Captain; Vehicle Maintenance Unit Commanding Officer (Vehicle Maintenance Unit CO)
Occupation: First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives Education/Preparation: 2 Protective Service-Related Jobs: Captain; Chief Deputy; Community Relations Police Lieutenant; Deputy Chief Sheriff; Deputy Sheriff; Desk Sergeant; Detective Chief; Detective Lieutenant; Detective Sergeant; Detective Supervisor; Harbor Patrol Chief; Harbor Police Launch Commander; Homicide Squad Commanding Officer (Homicide Squad CO); Identification and Communications Supervisor; Identification and Records Commander; Investigation Division Commanding Officer (Investigation Division CO); Lieutenant; Motorized Squad Commanding Officer (Motorized Squad CO); Patrol Captain; Patrol Commander; Patrol Police Sergeant; Patrol Sergeant; Police Captain; Police Chief; Police Chief Deputy; Police Commanding Officer (Police CO); Police Deputy Chief; Police Lieutenant; Police Patrol Lieutenant; Police Reserves Commander; Police Sergeant; Police Shift Commander; Police Superintendent; Police Supervisor; Port Warden; Post Commander; Precinct Captain; Precinct Commanding Officer (Precinct CO); Precinct Police Captain; Precinct Police Lieutenant; Precinct Police Sergeant; Safety Supervisor; Shift Supervisor; Traffic Division Commanding Officer (Traffic Division CO); Traffic Lieutenant; Traffic Sergeant; Traffic Supervisor; Uniform Force Captain; Vehicle Maintenance Unit Commanding Officer (Vehicle Maintenance Unit CO)

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Accident Examiner
Accident Investigator
Accident Prevention Squad Police Officer
Accident Reconstructionist
Adult Crossing Guard
Agriculture Specialist
AI Consultant (Artificial Intelligence Consultant)
Air Import Specialist
Air Marshal
Airline Security Representative
Airport Baggage Screener
Airport Firefighter
Airport Screener
Airport Security Screener
Alarm Inspector
Alarm Investigator
Alarm Sprinkler Inspector
Alcohol Law Enforcement Agent (ALE Agent)
All Source Intelligence Analyst
AML Investigator (Anti Money Laundering Investigator)
Animal Attendant
Animal Control Officer
Animal Control Specialist
Animal Cop
Animal Cruelty Investigator
Animal Enforcement Officer
Animal Officer
Animal Ordinance Enforcement Officer
Animal Park Code Enforcement Officer
Animal Rescuer
Animal Safety Officer
Animal Services Officer
Animal Treatment Investigator
Anti-Terrorist Analyst
Apparatus Operator
Aquatics Lifeguard
Aquatics Specialist
Armed Bailiff
Armed Guard
Armed Security Guard
Armed Security Officer
Armed Site Supervisor
Armored Car Driver
Armored Car Guard
Arson and Bomb Investigator
Arson Investigator
Asset Protection Agent
Asset Protection Associate (APA)
Asset Protection Detective
Asset Protection Greeter
Asset Protection Investigator
Asset Protection Officer
Asset Protection Security Guard
Asset Protection Specialist
Background Investigator
Bag Checker
Baggage Inspector
Baggage Screener
Baggage Security Checker
Bailiff Deputy
Bank Guard
Battalion Chief
Beach Attendant
Beach Lifeguard
Biometric Screener
Bomb Investigator
Bonding Agent
Booking Officer
Border Guard
Border Patrol Agent
Border Patrol Officer
BSA Investigator (Bank Secrecy Act Investigator)
Building Inspector
Burglary Investigator
Bus Monitor
Camp Guard
Campus Police Officer
Campus Security Officer (CSO)
Canine Deputy (K-9 Deputy)
Canine Enforcement Officer (K-9 Enforcement Officer)
Canine Handler (K-9 Handler)
Canine Handler (K9 Handler)
Canine Officer (K-9 Officer)
Canine Police Officer (K-9 Police Officer)
Case Investigator
Cash Shortage Investigator
Casino Enforcement Agent
Casino Investigator
Casino Surveillance Officer
Certified Detention Deputy
Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI)
Certified Fire Investigator (CFI)
Certified Legal Investigator
Certified Lifeguard
Certified Police Officer
Certified Ski Patroller
Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI)
Chief Deputy
Child Support Agent
Child Support Investigator
Child Support Officer
CIA Agent (Central Intelligence Agency Agent)
City Bailiff
City Constable
City Detective
City Marshal
Civil Division Deputy Sheriff
Civil Process Server
Civilian Jail Officer
Civilian Pay Technician (Civilian Pay Tech)
Closed Circuit Screen Watcher
Code Enforcement Inspector
Code Enforcement Officer
Code Enforcement Specialist
Code Official
Community Corrections Officer (CCO)
Community Relations Police Lieutenant
Community Resource Officer
Community Safety Officer
Community Service Officer
Community Service Officer (CSO)
Community Service Patrol Officer
Community Services Officer (CSO)
Competitive Intelligence Analyst
Complaint Evaluation Officer
Computer Forensic Examiner
Computer Forensic Specialist
Computer Network Defense Analyst
Confinement Officer
Conservation Enforcement Officer
Conservation Officer
Construction Site Crossing Guard
Contract Investigator
Control Officer
Convict Guard
Correction Officer
Correction Officer Supervisor
Correction Warden
Correctional Case Records Supervisor
Correctional Guard
Correctional Monitor
Correctional Officer
Correctional Officer Captain
Correctional Officer Specialist
Correctional Supervisor
Corrections Corporal
Corrections Identification Technician
Corrections Officer (CO)
Corrections Specialist
Cottage Master
Cottage Parent
Cottage Supervisor
Counter Intelligence Agent
Counterintelligence Agent
Counterintelligence Analyst
County Bailiff
County Sheriff
Court Bailiff
Court Constable
Court Deputy
Court Officer
Court Security Deputy Sheriff
Court Security Officer
Courtroom Deputy
Crash Fire Firefighter
Crew Boss
Crew Chief
Crime Analyst
Crime Analyst (Criminal Analyst)
Crime and Intelligence Analyst (Criminal and Intelligence Analyst)
Crime Intelligence Analyst (Criminal Intelligence Analyst)
Crime Intelligence Specialist (Criminal Intelligence Specialist)
Crime Investigator Special Agent
Crime Lab Analyst (Crime Laboratory Analyst)
Crime Prevention Police Officer
Crime Research Specialist (Criminal Research Specialist)
Crime Scene Evidence Technician
Crime Scene Examiner
Crime Scene Investigator
Crime Scene Investigator (CSI)
Crime Scene Specialist
Crime Scene Technician
Crime Victim Specialist
Criminal Analyst
Criminal Identification Coordination Specialist
Criminal Investigations Agent
Criminal Investigative Agent
Criminal Investigator
Criminal Investigator Special Agent
Criminal Profiler
Criminal Records Technician
Criminal Specialist
Crossing Flagman
Crossing Gateman
Crossing Guard
Crossing Tender
Crossing Watchman
Custodial Officer
Custody Deputy Sheriff
Custom Protection Officer (CPO)
Customer Security Clerk
Customer Service Security Officer
Customs and Border Patrol Agent
Customs Import Specialist
Customs Inspector
Customs Officer
Customs Opener
Customs Packer
Customs Patrol Officer
Customs Specialist
Customs Verifier
Cyber All Source Analyst (Cybersecurity All Source Analyst)
Cyber All-Source Analyst (Cybersecurity All-Source Analyst)
Cyber Analyst (Cybersecurity Analyst)
Cyber Defense Analyst (Cybersecurity Defense Analyst)
Cyber Defense Forensics Analyst (Cybersecurity Defense Forensics Analyst)
Cyber Exploitation Analyst (Cybersecurity Exploitation Analyst)
Cyber Forensic Specialist
Cyber Intel Analyst (Cybersecurity Intelligence Analyst)
Cyber Intelligence Planner (Cybersecurity Intelligence Planner)
Cyber Intelligence Specialist (Cybersecurity Intelligence Specialist)
Cyber Multi-Disciplined Language Analyst (Cybersecurity Multi-Disciplined Language Analyst)
Cyber Ops Specialist (Cybersecurity Operations Specialist)
Cyber Special Agent
Cyber Target Developer (Cybersecurity Target Developer)
Cyber Target Network Analyst (Cybersecurity Target Network Analyst)
Cyber Threat Analyst (Cybersecurity Threat Analyst)
Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst (Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Analyst)
Cybercrimes Investigator
Damage Prevention Coordinator
Data Intel Analyst (Data Intelligence Analyst)
Defense Analyst
Deportation Officer
Deputy Bailiff
Deputy Certified Sheriff
Deputy Chief Sheriff
Deputy Court Services Sheriff
Deputy Fire Marshal
Deputy Jailer
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff Generalist
Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant
Deputy United States Marshal (Deputy US Marshal)
Desk Officer
Desk Sergeant
Detective Chief
Detective Investigator
Detective Lieutenant
Detective Sergeant
Detective Supervisor
Detention Deputy
Detention Director
Detention Officer
Detention Specialist
Detention Supervisor
District Agent
District Court Bailiff
District Fire Management Officer
District Ranger
District Resource Officer
Dog Catcher
Dog Control Officer
Dog Pound Attendant
Dog Warden
Door Tender
Draw Tender
Driver Guard
Drug Abuse Resistance Education Officer (DARE Officer)
Drug Enforcement Administration Agent (DEA AGENT)
Drug Enforcement Agent
Drug Inspector
Dual Rate Surveillance Officer
Duty Officer
Elevated Guard
Employee Relations Investigator
Enforcement Agent
Enforcement Officer
Enforcement Safety Officer
Engine Boss
Engine Captain
Entertainment And Recreation Industry Surveillance Operator
Environmental Conservation Officer
Environmental Protection Fire Control Officer
Evidence Custodian
Evidence Technician
FBI Field Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Field Agent)
FBI Investigator (Federal Bureau of Investigation Investigator)
FBI Profiler (Federal Bureau of Investigation Profiler)
FBI Sharpshooter (Federal Bureau of Investigation Sharpshooter)
FBI Special Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent)
Federal Air Marshal
Field Evidence Technician
Field Identification Specialist
Field Investigator
Field Training Advisor
Field Training Agent
Financial Crimes Analyst
Fingerprint Classifier
Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler Inspector
Fire Alarm Inspector
Fire Alarm Operator
Fire and Explosion Investigator
Fire Apparatus Engineer
Fire Battalion Chief
Fire Captain
Fire Chief
Fire Code Inspector
Fire Coordinator
Fire Department Battalion Chief
Fire Department Captain
Fire Engine Pump Operator
Fire Engineer
Fire Equipment Inspector
Fire Equipment Operator
Fire Extinguisher Inspector
Fire Extinguisher Sprinkler Inspector
Fire Extinguisher Technician (Fire Extinguisher Tech)
Fire Fighter
Fire Hazard Inspector
Fire Hydrant Operator
Fire Inspector
Fire Investigator
Fire Lieutenant
Fire Management Officer
Fire Management Specialist
Fire Management Technician
Fire Marshal
Fire Marshall
Fire Medic
Fire Observer
Fire Official
Fire Operations Forester
Fire Prevention Bureau Captain
Fire Prevention Captain
Fire Prevention Chief
Fire Prevention Inspector
Fire Prevention Officer
Fire Prevention Specialist
Fire Prevention Technician
Fire Protection Fabricator
Fire Protection Inspector
Fire Protection Specialist
Fire Range Technician
Fire Ranger
Fire Safety Inspector
Fire Safety Specialist
Fire Sprinkler Apparatus Inspector
Fire Sprinkler Foreman
Fire Sprinkler Inspector
Fire Supervisor
Fire Suppression Captain
Fire Suppression Technician
Fire Systems Inspector
Fire Technician
Fire Technician (Fire Tech)
Fire Tower Keeper
Fire Warden
Fire Watcher
Fireboat Operator
Firefighter Diver
Firefighter Paramedic
First-line Supervisor of Security Workers
Fish and Game Warden
Fish and Wildlife Warden
Fish Warden
Fisheries Enforcement Officer
Fishing Game Warden
Flex Officer
Flight Security Specialist
Forensic Identification Specialist
Forensic Science Examiner
Forensic Scientist
Forensic Sergeant
Forensic Specialist
Forensic Technician
Forest Fire Control Officer
Forest Fire Management Officer
Forest Fire Officer
Forest Fire Specialist Supervisor
Forest Fire Suppression Specialist
Forest Firefighter
Forest Officer
Forest Patrolman
Forestry Fire Technician (Forestry Fire Tech)
Forestry Patrolman
Fraud Investigator
Freight Flagman
Fugitive Detective
Fugitive Investigator
Gambling Monitor
Gambling Surveillance Observer
Gambling Surveillance Officer
Game Agent
Game and Fish Protector
Game Protector
Game Warden
Gamewell Operator
Gaming Inspector
Gaming Investigator
Gaming Surveillance Observer
Gaming Surveillance Officer
Gang Investigator
Gate Attendant
Gate Guard
Gate Keeper
Gate Operator
Gate Person
Gate Tender
Gate Watchman
Government Guard
Grand Jury Deputy Sheriff
Guard Captain
Guard Chief
Guard Supervisor
Hall Tender
Harbor Patrol Chief
Harbor Police Launch Commander
Highway Patrol Officer
Highway Patrol Pilot
Homicide Detective
Homicide Investigator
Homicide Squad Commanding Officer (Homicide Squad CO)
Hot Shot
Hotel Security Officer
Hotshot Superintendent
House Detective
House Officer
Humane Agent
Humane Officer
Identification and Communications Supervisor
Identification and Records Commander
Identification Officer
Identification Technician
Immigration Guard
Immigration Services Officer
Import Specialist
Incident Commander
Intel Agent (Intelligence Agent)
Intel Analyst (Intelligence Analyst)
Intel Research Specialist (Intelligence Research Specialist)
Intel Specialist (Intelligence Specialist)
Intelligence Agent
Intelligence Officer
Intelligence Ops Specialist (Intelligence Operations Specialist)
Internal Affairs Investigator
Internal Security Manager
Investigation Division Commanding Officer (Investigation Division CO)
Investigation Officer
Investigations Assistant
Investigative Analyst
Investigative Intel Analysts (Investigative Intelligence Analysts)
Investigative Police Specialist
Investigative Specialist
Jail Guard
Jail Officer
Juvenile Correctional Officer
Juvenile Corrections Officer
Juvenile Detention Officer
Juvenile Justice Detention Officer
Juvenile Justice Supervisor
Ladder Operator
Latent Fingerprint Examiner
Latent Print Examiner
Lateral Police Officer
Law Enforcement Officer
Law Enforcement Specialist
Licensed Private Investigator
Lieutenant Firefighter
Life Guard
Look Out Tower Fire Watcher
Loss Mitigation Specialist
Loss Prevention Agent
Loss Prevention Analyst
Loss Prevention Associate
Loss Prevention Associate (LPA)
Loss Prevention Customer Service Associate
Loss Prevention Detective
Loss Prevention Guard
Loss Prevention Investigator
Loss Prevention Officer
Loss Prevention Representative
Loss Prevention Representative (Loss Prevention Rep)
Loss Prevention Security Ambassador
Loss Prevention Service Ambassador
Loss Prevention Service Representative
Loss Prevention Specialist
Major Case Detective
Mammal Control Agent
Marine Firefighter
Marine Interdiction Agent (MIA)
Marine Safety Officer
Maritime Guard
Master Police Detective
Merchant Patroller
Merchant Police
Meter Maid
Military Police Officer
Missing Persons Investigator
Motorcycle Police
Motorized Squad Commanding Officer (Motorized Squad CO)
Mounted Police
Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisor
Municipal Firefighter
Narcotics Agent
Narcotics Detective
Narcotics Investigator
Natural Resource Officer
Notification Specialist
Ocean Import Specialist
Ocean Lifeguard
Ocean Lifeguard Specialist
OEC Tech (Outdoor Emergency Care Technician)
Officer Sergeant
Oil Fire Specialist
On-Scene Supporter
Operations Chief
Package Checker
Park Guard
Park Police
Park Ranger
Park Warden
Parking Control Officer
Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO)
Parking Enforcement Specialist
Parking Enforcement Technician
Parking Enforcer
Parking Manager
Parking Meter Attendant
Parking Officer
Parking Regulation Enforcement Officer
Parking Technician
Parts Identification Technician
Passenger Flagman
Passenger Screener
Patrol Captain
Patrol Commander
Patrol Conductor
Patrol Deputy
Patrol Deputy Sheriff
Patrol Driver
Patrol Guard
Patrol Inspector
Patrol Lady
Patrol Man
Patrol Mother
Patrol Officer
Patrol Park Officer
Patrol Police Sergeant
Patrol Sergeant
Peace Officer
Penal Officer
Physical Security Specialist
Plant Guard
Plant Protection Guard
Plant Protection Officer
Plant Security Guard
Playground Monitor
Point Guard
Police Booking Officer
Police Captain
Police Chief
Police Chief Deputy
Police Commanding Officer (Police CO)
Police Corporal
Police Crime and Intel Analyst (Police Crime and Intelligence Analyst)
Police Crime Scene Technician
Police Deputy Chief
Police Detective
Police Detention Attendant
Police Evidence Specialist
Police Guard
Police Inspector
Police Investigator
Police Lieutenant
Police Matron
Police Officer
Police Park Officer
Police Patrol Lieutenant
Police Patrol Officer
Police Recruit
Police Reserves Commander
Police Sergeant
Police Shift Commander
Police Specialist
Police Superintendent
Police Supervisor
Police Worker
Pool Attendant
Pool Lifeguard
Port Warden
Post Commander
Precinct Captain
Precinct Commanding Officer (Precinct CO)
Precinct Police Captain
Precinct Police Lieutenant
Precinct Police Sergeant
Prevention Coordinator
Prevention Specialist
Principal Investigator
Prison Guard
Prison Guard Supervisor
Prison Officer
Private Detective
Private Eye
Private Investigator
Private Security Guard
Private Watchman
Protection Specialist
Protection Supervisor
Protective Officer
Protective Service Specialist
Protective Services Officer (PSO)
Public Safety Officer
Public Transit Specialist
Rail Signal Worker
Railroad Detective
Railroad Police
Railroad Police Officer
Railroad Safety Specialist
Railroad Watchman
Ramp Service Employee
Range Examiner
Recreation Aide
Reformatory Attendant
Rescue Worker
Resource Officer
Retail Asset Protection Specialist
Retail Loss Prevention Investigator
Retail Loss Prevention Specialist
Retail Security Officer
Road Crossing Guard
Road Deputy
Safety and Security Officer
Safety Instruction Police Officer
Safety Patrol Officer
Safety Supervisor
School Aide
School Bus Aide
School Bus Assistant
School Bus Attendant
School Bus Escort
School Bus Matron
School Bus Monitor
School Crossing Guard
School Resource Officer (SRO)
School Traffic Guard
Secret Service Agent
Section Forest Fire Warden
Secured Entrance Monitor
Security Agent
Security Ambassador
Security Analyst
Security Assistant
Security Checker
Security Chief
Security Consultant
Security Department Supervisor
Security Director
Security Field Supervisor
Security Floor Supervisor
Security Guard
Security Guard Supervisor
Security Inspector
Security Manager
Security Officer
Security Officer Supervisor
Security Patrol Officer
Security Police
Security Screener
Security Shift Supervisor
Security Site Supervisor
Security Specialist
Security Supervisor
Sergeant at Arms
Sex Crimes Detective
Sheriff Department Corporal
Shift Commander
Shift Supervisor
Ship Keeper
Shopping Investigator
Single Resource Boss
Site Identification Specialist
Ski Patrol Paramedic
Ski Patroller
Skip Locator
Skip Tracer
Smoke Chaser
Smoke Eater
Smoke Inspector
Smoke Jumper
Smoke Jumper Supervisor
Special Agent
Special Crimes Investigator
Special Deputy
Special Deputy Sheriff
Special Inspector
Special Investigator
Special Officer
Special Police
Special Police Officer
Sprinkler Inspector
Squad Boss
State Fire Marshal
State Game Protector
State Game Warden
State Highway Police Officer
State Patrol Officer
State Trooper
State Wildlife Officer
Station Detective
Station Gateman
Station Jailer
Store Detective
Store Protection Specialist
Substitute Crossing Guard
Subway Guard
Supervising Fire Marshal
Supervisory Forester
Surveillance Agent
Surveillance Analyst
Surveillance Inspector
Surveillance Investigator
Surveillance Monitor
Surveillance Observer
Surveillance Officer
Surveillance Operator
Surveillance System Monitor
Surveillance Technician
SWAT Team Member (Special Weapons and Tactics Team Member)
Tail Board Man
Tail Board Worker
Terrorism Research Specialist
Threat Intelligence Analyst (Threat Intel Analyst)
Ticket Writer
Tiller Man
Tiller Worker
Tower Watchman
Track Patrol
Track Watchman
Traffic Attendant
Traffic Control Attendant
Traffic Control Officer
Traffic Division Commanding Officer (Traffic Division CO)
Traffic Lieutenant
Traffic Sergeant
Traffic Supervisor
Train Gate Attendant
Train Gateman
Transit Authority Police
Transit Authority Police Officer
Transit Officer
Transit Police Officer
Transit Specialist
Transportation Officer
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Screener
Transportation Security Administration Screener (TSA Screener)
Transportation Security Officer (TSO)
Transportation Security Screener
Transportation Sergeant
Truck Guard
TSA Screener Supervisor (Transportation Security Administration Screener Supervisor)
Unarmed Officer
Unarmed Security Guard
Unarmed Security Officer
Under Sheriff
Undercover Agent
Undercover Cop
Undercover Operator
Uniform Force Captain
Uniform Patrol Police Officer
United States Marshal (US Marshal)
University Police Officer
US Customs and Border Officer
US Customs and Border Protection Officer (US CBPO)
Vehicle Maintenance Unit Commanding Officer (Vehicle Maintenance Unit CO)
Vice Detective
Vice Investigator
Victim Liaison
Video Surveillance Agent
Video Surveillance Technician
Violent Crimes Detective
Volunteer Firefighter
Ward Supervisor
Water and Fire Technician (Water and Fire Tech)
Wildfire Mitigation Specialist
Wildfire Prevention Specialist
Wildland Fire Operations Specialist
Wildland Firefighter
Wildland Firefighter Specialist
Wildland Specialist Firefighter
Wildlife and Game Protector
Wildlife Conservation Officer
Wildlife Control Agent
Wildlife Control Partner
Wildlife Enforcement Major
Wildlife Officer
Wildlife Protector
Woods Warden
Working Dog Handler
Youth Corrections Officer

Step 3 of 4: Prepare For a Career

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