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Click on a tab below to access specific links related to various aspects of a business financing:
Debt: Many sources with information about debt financing
Capital Structure: Resources with details about capital structure - the proportion of financing through debt versus equity
Crowd Funding: Many sources with links for crowd funding sources and comparisons
Angel Investors: Provides information about angel investing and how to appropriately attract them to your business
Equity: Many sources with information about equity financing
Credit Lines: Many articles and tutorials about how to obtain business lines of credit
Vendor Credit: Provides links to many resources that discuss the importance of vendor credit and how to get started
Government Sources: Many government sources and resources exist that can help with business financing
Venture Capital: Provides details about venture capital and how it might help take a business to the next level
P.O. Financing: Take a look at how purchase order financing can help provide a pre-shipment financing solution
Credit Insurance: Resources with details about how to use credit insurance to insure receivables and provide short-term financing
Pre-Shipment Financing: Many sources with links to learn more about how to manage for cash flow - before you ship goods
Corporate Sponsorship:
Provides information about corporate sponsorships and how it may provide financing
Trends: Many sources with business financing trends
Best Practices: Resources with best practices related to the business financing


This page contains detailed resources appropriate to financing a business. Explore the resources on this page to start learning more. Links on this page are constantly updated.

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Here are resources

Many sources with information about debt financing

Resources with details about capital structure - the proportion of financing through debt versus equity

Many sources with links for crowd funding sources and comparisons

Provides information about angel investing and how to appropriately attract them to your business

Many sources with information about equity financing

Many articles and tutorials about how to obtain business lines of credit

Provides links to many resources that discuss the importance of vendor credit (trade credit), and how to get started

Many government sources and resources exist that can help with business financing

Provides details about venture capital and how it might help take a business to the next level

Take a look at how purchase order financing can help provide a pre-shipment financing solution

Resources with details about how to use credit insurance to insure receivables and provide short-term financing

Many sources with links to learn more about how to manage for cash flow - before you ship goods

Provides information about corporate sponsorships and how it may provide financing

Many sources with business financing trends

Resources with best practices related to the business financing

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Critical Business Skills Menu

Developing skills across a broad array of business functions is becoming increasingly vital in today's rapidly changing business environment. These links will provide detailed, and constantly updated, resources specific to those that might be most pertinent to the entrepreneur. Please see the categories and links below:

Developed by Dr. Ralph Jagodka© 2025