Company Talent Pool
It is important for any organization to identify the talents of its employees, collectively and individually.
It is especially vital for a small business to identify how jobs evolve over time within the firm. It is equally important to identify the types of expertise our employees have, even those that do not relate to their particular duties and responsibilities. We should also obtain employee perspectives regarding how functions within the firm have evolved and their implications for change. The overall context for these discussions is focused on company competitiveness.
Here are two forms that can be used in different ways.
1) Qualifications Analysis Form CLICK HERE
For new hires, it is used during the interview process. This form can move us well beyond the traditional resume. This form should be given to applicants during the later stage of the 1st interview process, with 30 minutes for completion:
- It helps us to identify their insights (or not) regarding what the company must do to be
competitive, as well as how their job function contributes toward competitiveness.
- The form asks the applicant to identify key skills they possess that can be brought to the specific job, as well as those that are NOT related to the job, but that can contribute to the company.
2) Opportunity Review Form CLICK HERE
Annually for all employees, this process can be tied to planning functions. This form can help us to probe our employees regarding company competitiveness, the relevant skills they possess that are not being utilized, and their opinion regarding needed change. Company planning efforts can focus on how the company competes, and align employee commitment toward achievement in
those areas. It also helps us to understand key employee perceptions:
- It helps us to identify their insights (or not) regarding what the company must do to be
competitive, as well as identify what they consider to be their most important skills that are not being utilized by the company (but that could, perhaps, make a significant contribution). This helps us to uncover “hidden skills”.
- The form also asks employees to identify things that are done that need to change, either because the rationale for doing them has become obsolete, or customers’ needs require the change.